Chapter 28

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I've been going through my clothes for hours it looks like the room exploded.

I just have to find the right outfit.

If I can survive this I can survive anything, I keep telling myself.

I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in" i grunt not in the mood

Shay, Vanessa, and Kayla all walk in my room.

"What happened here?" Kayla laughs but sees the look on my face and stops

"I need help, emotionally and finding a outfit" I tell them

"Okay we will help don't worry" Kayla says, I nod

Kayla finds me a outfit while shay and Vanessa do my makeup and hair.

"Thank again" I tell them

"No problem" Vanessa smile

"Don't be nervous" shay says as she adds blush to my face

"Who knows it could be fun" Vanessa adds

We all give her a look that's reads really.

"Okay I have the perfect outfit for you to wear tonight" Kayla smiles

"There your hair is done" Vanessa says as she finishes curling my hair

I actually look good.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I yell

Caleb walks into my room.

"What happened here?" he says looking around at all the clothes thrown everywhere in my room

"I Was trying to find something to wear for tonight" I shrug

He lays on my bed.

"Is there something you need?" Kayla asks Caleb with a raised eyebrow

He smirks at her "why did you want me to leave?"

"Yes" she tells him

"Why Did you let her do this to herself?" Caleb ask Kayla

"Me? I had the day off it was your turn to watch her" she tells him

"Enough children" I sigh

I hear the doorbell ring.

"He's here" Vanessa whispers

"Don't kill anyone tonight but if you do call me okay" Kayla says, I nod

"It's show time" I say opening my door and going downstairs


Thanks everyone for reading my story!!!

Please go check out my other 2 stories that I've just started

Kidnapped by the Mafia on purpose.


Our Missing friend.

Thanks again 😘

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