Chapter 40

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Me and josh walk into the dance arm and arm, they actually made our nasty gym look amazing.

Tonight is going to be amazing.

"You want some punch?" Josh ask me

"Sure" I smile

We walk over to the punch table, Josh makes me a cup.

"My lady" he laughs

"Why thank you" I giggle as I take the cup

"I bet they had to use a lot of spray to make it not smell like old socks in here" Josh laughs

"Yeah who knew our gym could actually look this good"

Should I ask him to dance? Would that be weird? Friends dance right?

"Um uh Josh?" I say timidly

"Yes" he smirks

"Would you uh like to dance" i ask quickly

"Well I'm not much of a dancer I have two left feet" he laughs

"O okay" I say a little disappointed

"But for you I'll try" he says grabbing my hand and leading me to the dance floor

"What do you" I say not knowing how to dance

"I think you put your hands around my neck and I'll put mine on your hips" he says I nod

I try not blush when I feel Josh hands on my hips .

We start swaying neither one of us know what we are doing.

"Ow" I say as Josh steps on my toes

"Told you" he smiles sheepishly

"It's okay" I tell him

"Here" he takes my hand and I do a little twirl

"You having fun" Josh asks

"Yeah I am. Are you?" I ask

"Yeah I actually am"

The song ends unfortunately.

"Hey let me go say hi to the guys" Josh says spotting Caleb and Todd

"Okay" I say

I go walk over to Kayla who sitting at one of the tables with her date.

"Hey" I great

"Hi!" she says like she's never been more happy to see me

"Do you mined if I sit?" I ask

"No no no please do" she begs

"Um can you go get us some drinks" she asks her date

"Sure" he stands up and walks to the Punch table

"Not going well" I ask

She just gives me a look.

"I'm going to take that as a no" I laugh

"So I saw you and josh dancing" Kayla squeals

"I know" I squeal back

"I really like him Kayla" I sigh

"Then tell him" she says

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