Chapter 51

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"I don't know if I want to go to the prom anymore" I say, yes I'm feeling sorry for myself

"And why not" Kayla says in a way that I better have a good reason

"I mean my last dance experience wasn't that great" I sigh

"I know but this is our prom" she gives me a small smile

"What if Tiffany and ally dump pigs blood on me"

"Well that means you will be prom queen" she laughs "and you will develop superpowers and kill everyone except for me of course"

"Thanks for the pep talk" I laugh

Proms tomorrow and I don't have a date. Josh has been calling me but I don't answer and when I know he's going to be at my house I come over to Kayla's, shay, or Vanessa house.

Since Josh is staying at my house until later tonight working on some project with Caleb, I'm staying at Kayla's tonight.

"Prom going be awesome" she tells me

"Yeah" I smile as I fall asleep


I drive back home early in the morning since I know Josh has to be home now.

I unlock the front door, everyone must be still asleep since it's so quiet.

I start walking up the steps to up stairs when I notice there's rose peddles on the stairs. That's weird?

I notice there's candles in the hall leading up to my room.

I open my door and immediately gasp at what i see.

There's balloons everywhere and lights hanging and a heart shape cookie cake on my bed.

And on the wall is pictures of me and josh that spell out PROM?

"I hope it's not to much" I hear Josh voice behind me "I thought about getting a puppy too but your mom would of killed me" I laugh

I turn around to see him in a tux and holding a corsage.

"Listen before you say anything let me just get this out" he takes a deep breath and then looks at me "I'll understand if you say no I had my chance and I blew it because I was to stupid to realize what I had in front of me. When I told you I only liked you as a friend I meant it in that moment because i taught myself too I mean you were one of my best friends growing up and my first kiss, but I thought that we were only going to be just friends so I excepted that. And when you told me you loved me I couldn't understand why you would like me of all people and I was so used to only thinking you as a friend that I didn't think I could like you in that way. After you ran away from me, Tiffany came in the hall she could tell I was upset and she said we could talk in the janitors closet which was stupid but I needed to talk to someone besides Caleb who's little sister just told me she loved me and when we were in there one second before you open that door she grabbed me and kissed me. I didn't know what to say to you but the look on your face broke my heart. I didn't start dating Tiffany until the summer right before you moved back because I wanted to move on." He sighs finally taking a breath, but I'm speechless" And I'm sorry about what happened that day in school I saw myself on that video and i realize what a jerk I was I couldn't even look at you. And then it was to late, Caleb told me you moved away, I took you for granted it wasn't even a couple of days and I was missing you like crazy, I missed the way you jump so easily when we watched anything scary, I missed the way you laugh at everything, I missed your smile and how you always tried to look on the positive side and how you were so nice to everyone even after the way they treated you. I honestly didn't think you were ever coming back and I didn't blame you. When I saw you walk passed me on the steps on the first day back I couldn't even breathe I couldn't believe it was you. I stared at you all through out class trying to figure out what I was going to say to you and when I finally worked up the nerve you had already moved on and I accepted that I knew I ruined it that's why I wanted us to be at least friends because I can't stand not having you in my life." He finishes "I love you Elena"

I look at him because that's all I can do.

"Please say something" he looks down at his feet

"I thought you didn't wear suits" I ask him

He laughs "only for you"

"I forgive you" I tell him

He smiles

"What's all this?" I ask

"Me and Caleb spent all night doing this and shay printed out the pictures while Vanessa picked up the roses and candles and will picked up the cake and Kayla was in charge of watching you" I laugh I do have amazing friends

"So aren't you going to ask me?" I smirk

He walks right up to me where we are almost touching.

"Elena will you do me the honor of being my date to prom tonight and going on a date with me tomorrow morning for breakfast?" He asks

"Thought you would never ask" I laugh and surprise him and kiss him

He picks me up so I wrap my legs around his hips.

"Okay we are still here"

I look over Josh shoulder to see all our friends watching us

"We need to start getting ready" Kayla squeals

I look at Josh who's smiling at me "I'll see you tonight" I tell him and give one last kiss

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