Two • Crowds

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The crowd was suffocatingly close. The smell of people and the fumes of passing vehicles nearly choked you. Newt was lost from sight. It nearly hurt you to think you might not see him again. You couldn't fathom why, you had only just met the man again for the first time in years.

"Don't just stand there!" Poppy whined as she pulled you along by your sleeve.

"Where did you-?" You started as you looked down at the young girl.

"I was watching. You think he's cute, don't you sis?" Poppy pried.

"Nothing of the sort. Now come on. Let's go get your birthday present." You said as you took her hand.

As you walked along you saw the alley in which you needed to enter. It was tucked away between a bakery and a well known book shop.

Poppy looked awestruck as we passed the book store. Her eyes glimmered and she nearly twitching with anticipation.

"Do you want to go in?" You asked her.

The girl simply looked up with the look of sheer victory and pulled you along behind her into the shop.

The shop was lit by oil lamps in the darker corners, yet plenty of sunlight shone through onto the many shelves of books. Poppy stopped in her tracks to simply close her eyes and inhale the smell of new and old books. It was what she lived for, if nothing else.

"You smell of knowledge, am I right?" You joked. "Go look around, we have plenty of time."

With that the girl disconnected her hand from yours and made her way through the many rows and shelves and volumes of books.

You made your way in amongst the books as well, picking up a book every so often.

"Sis! Look at this!" You heard Poppy yell from the back of the shop.

As you approached her you saw a large amount of books placed methodically in stacks around her. In varying sizes, colors and genres.

"What have you got then Poppy?"

"Look at this. A text book on care of magical creatures. Can I get it?" The girl asked as she delved into her pockets and found enough coins to pay for the text.

"Poppy that's a fourth year textbook from Ilvermorny. I already have that at home."

"You do? But why? You never seemed overly interested with beasts and creatures." Poppy asked.

"Well mum and dad were heavily involved with them, so I don't see why you're so surprised. Not to mention my job does revolve around creatures, Poppy." You replied as you began to return some of the books from the floor.

"True enough, but I don't believe you." Poppy said with a huff of confidence.

"And why is that? Poppy put some of these away, would you."

"You like him." Poppy said with a schoolgirlish giggle.

Ignoring the girls playful banter you moved about the store and put back books. It was far past the time you had hoped to waste in the book shop. The two of you might not even make it in time.

Just as you returned the last book to its respective place Poppy had payed for her armload of books and was sitting on a velour chair near the door, waiting to leave. The door to the shop opened and who would have it, none other than Newt Scamander walked in.

With a knowing smile to you upon seeing your shocked and nervous expression, Poppy stood. You were standing in front of Poppy, and you could have slipped out of the shop without him noticing the two of you if you had only apparated to the breeder, or better yet home.

"Hello sir." Poppy said in her best teacher's pet voice.

Turning towards the two of you your breath caught in your throat. Damn your sister and this notion of her's that you needed a man in your life.

Newt smiled awkwardly at you and nodded before he addressed Poppy.

"And hello to you miss."

"My older sister li-"

"That's enough out of you for right now Poppy. Let's go get your phoenix shall we?" You interrupted the girl by putting your hand over her mouth and turning her towards the door to the shop.

"You're buying a phoenix? Here in London?" Newt asked almost sounding excited.

Prying your hand off her mouth and looking to Newt with that look in her eye.

"We are, want to come with us?" Poppy asked far too enthusiastically.

"I don't mind if I do. As long as it's all right with you. Phoenixes are quite rare creatures. Do you know how to take care of one?" Newt asked.

With a sigh you led the way out of the book shop and led the way to the the breeder's not a dozen steps away.

Poppy was playing match maker again. Not that you would love her any less for it, but it was if not a tad bit annoying. She was almost 12 and thought she knew love when she thought she saw it. Which was extremely unfortunate, especially for poor Newt.

Please remember to vote on this chapter if you liked it. What's a talent you or someone you know has that you find cool or even annoying? My best friend is great with computers which annoys me because I can barely work a microwave!

Newt Scamander's Beasts  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now