Seventeen • Newt's Case

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The following day you woke up with no recollection of how you ended up in a pile of blankets in the corner of a cabin, but you didn't much mind.

As you looked around you recognized the place as quite possibly the inside of Newt's cabin. Meaning that you were in the least with your sister and she was safe. The two of you were safe.

You decided that you didn't remember anything from after writing your report due to you running on a possible three hours of sleep, and you had a good fight, after a long day that your body didn't enjoy.

Your legs and back ached with a vengeance and you could just feel your skin in the point of breaking out with acne. Even at your age a pimple or two made it way to your face just to spite you.

You were curled up in many quilts and blankets on a small cushioned chair in the corner of the room. Across the room in a matching chair Poppy slept peacefully.

Getting up to look for the time you walked over to the door. Outside you saw Newt conversing quietly with some of his creatures, one of which was the phoenix you had bought him and your own phoenix that you supposed that Newt had taken with him last night.

Musing your hair down to look as though you hadn't just been in a blanket fort for the last few hours. You walked out of the cabin.

Approaching Newt you saw that he was feeding the occamy. The serpentine winged creatures that you hadn't much seen in your last visit here.

Newt wore a faded gray shirt with a chipping off Hufflepuff emblem. It suited this more relaxed atmosphere to see him in, what you figured was, his pajamas.

"Morning, Newt."

"It isn't really morning. It's about three in the afternoon." Newt said, as his eyes lingered on you for longer than what was comfortable.

"Oh." You said as you walked to his side.

"How are you feeling?" Newt asked timidly.

"I'm quite well thanks to you. But why did you come and help me last night?" You asked the man.

"Poppy begged me in tears. I couldn't deny her after that. She was so sure that you would have been in terrible shape after they were done with you." Newt said, as he turned his head slightly away from you.

"I sent Poppy to you because I thought you would be able to protect her. I didn't ask her to go get you."

"Well news travel fast. Especially when it's about someone close to you." Newt said as he walked off to feed some of the other creatures.

"You knew me before we met, didn't you?"

"From back at Hogwarts? Yeah. I saw you at the library often, but you always seemed so focused on your studies. I didn't want to interrupt you. And frankly, I was scared of you back then." Newt said with a sigh.

There was no way he was lying about it. You were almost always in the library or just studying. You immersed yourself in your studies, because with your wand everything was much harder when it came to spells and any general magic. You had recognized Newt from school but you didn't think much of him. You didn't think much of anyone or anything. All you thought of was becoming a better, more experienced witch.

"Why were you afraid of me?" You asked him.

"You always looked so serious. To be completely honest with you, you always looked like you didn't like me, or anyone else for that matter." Newt said as he turned to you.

The content look on his face as he looked towards you made your stomach jump. Newt had, had a crush on you in school. You were just too busy to notice. You remembered him when you had been given his file. He looked like he had back then almost exactly. Only that now looked like a well mannered and cultured man. You would have to get to know the new, Newt. You had plenty of time to now.

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