Three • Phoenix

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The alley was much darker than you would have thought it to be. Menacing shadows lingered along the bricks of the adjacent structures. At the end of the alley stood a warn grey metal door with, what looked like large beast induced, gouges and marks.

"This must be it then. Wands out." You said as you moved ahead of your companions and approached the door.

A firm hand grasped your shoulder and held you back, the warmth of the hand permeating through your thin coat.

"Allow me. If there were to be anything in there." Newt said as he stepped around you. He avoided your quizzical look. As you thought of it, he never really went out of his was to make eye contact.

Newt walked up to the tarnished door and knocked. Once... Twice... Thrice...

The door opened with a shrill whine of rusted metal. Behind the door stood a stout woman in a floral apron, with long vine like grey hair spooling around her figure.

"You made it! Do come in. Do come in. Kettle's on dears." The woman said as she turned on her heel and began to pad into the living quarters within.

Turning back to you and Poppy, Newt beckoned the two of you to follow with a stiff nod. His eyes locked with yours only for a second in time yet, you could swear his blue eyes could nearly scrutinize your every move.

You then escorted Poppy along ahead of you in through the door. As you passed over the threshold you looked back over your shoulder to the alley. Muggles and magic folk alike passed by the to mouth of the alley without the slightest regard. Closing the heavy door behind you you followed Poppy in.

The room was dimly lit. Floating candles circumnavigating the warm, musty smelling air. Every inch of the walls was plastered with rugs, posters, moving pictures, and even a seemly living buck head that protruded from a birch wood base hung over a raging hearth. In front of the hearth sat a worn red brown chair with many rips and stuffing spilling out of it's seams. On this chair was a set of knitting needles that worked away at a long marine colored scarf.

"In here dears!" The stout woman called from another room.

Whirling around you stood nose to nose with the very man you had developed slight contempt for. He only stood fast and looked at your face, yet not into your eyes. He moved a shaky hand to move a segment of hair from your face in a fluid yet somehow jerky movement.

"Kiss!" Poppy demanded from her place near the kitchen door, beside the woman.

In a skittish twirl he was half way across the room. You stood there in complete befuddlement.

With a shaky, wheeze like laugh, the woman moved back into the kitchen, Poppy in her wake. Newt looked back at you with a mixed expression. You couldn't tell if it was pain or disappointment. But either way, it wasn't a reassuring look.

Striding into the kitchen you were met by four juvenile phoenixes perched around the room on what looked like bird cages, just without the cage part. The bottom of the cage, with a a slender piece of metal that looked like it was supposed to be what hung up, but the perches simply floated.

"Magnificent, aren't they?" The woman asked with a proud toothless smile.

"Quite." Newt said before you could even respond.

"24 Galleons per phenix. No bartering." The woman said.

Newts head jolted towards the woman. "24 Galleons!"

"Here. We will take two." You said as you fished about in your inner jacket pockets and pulled out a glimmering green drawstring bag filled with coins. Counting out the necessary money.

"24 Galleons!" Newt hissed.

"I want this one." Poppy said as she stood in front of one of the creatures.

"Scamander, pick one for yourself." You said as you placed the last of the coins out.

"I will have none of it." Newt said through gritted teeth.

"Why not?" Poppy asked him.

"There is no need to." Newt responded as he turned to look at you.

"I'm not giving you a choice, Newton. Now pick one before I do it for you. Think of it as a welcome back gift," You said with finality.

Newt pulled his eyebrows tawnt as he looked you down. He would not have it. And that was that.

"Fine. Be difficult, then. I'm trying to be nice." You said with a shrug as you walked over to the phenix beside the one Poppy had chosen. It was the smallest of the lot, it looked fairly sickly as well.

"This one then. You can nurse it back to health." You said as you nodded to yourself. Newt knew his way around creatures. This one was no different.

"How do you know that?" Newt asked.

"I have read your file Scamander. Your a magizoologist. Not to mention we did go to school together," You said and immediately regretted it.

"My file? How did you get ahold of that? Only the Ministry..." he began.

"Sis just really likes you, Mr Scamander. She never stops talking about you." Poppy said with an innocent smile.

With a blush Newt walked over and took the phoenix from you. You looked to he ground in contemplation. How would you get yourself out of this one? Poppy was surely going to lead the naive man on for you.

"I like her as well. I think? Well it's been a long time to say the least."  Newt said as he walked away.

Dipping his head to the breeder woman. Newt walked out of the room. You mentally cursed. You hadn't had this much trouble with boys since school.

Running after him, you rushed out into the alley.

"Scamander! Wait!" You panted.

But he had already apparated away. To wherever he was going, phoenix and case in hand.

Your heart sunk. He was gone. Again.

"We'll see him again. Don't worry." Poppy said from behind you.

Turning you saw your sister sporting a Hufflepuff scarf over her own Ravenclaw scarf. That witch!

Please remember to vote on this chapter if you liked it. What's a magic creature you would want as a pet? I think a unicorn would be really cool since I already have a horse.

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