Letter Four

55 6 0

Song Of This Letter

Habit (T-Mass Remix) by Rain Man & Krysta Youngs


Dear Dumbass,

I found out why you went to 7/11 at night.

You just got out an argument with your mother.

She found out about Kyle.

She started saying you were going to hell, that you are going through a phase. You are only like this, because everyone else are becoming gay.

You are not in hell. That I know for sure, not really, but you were a decent person. You love helping people, tried to take care of the environment, never drink. Even of everyone thought you did.

You tried to be the best person ever, yet you still manage to suck at everything. But the last months before you slipped into a coma, it was like melodies in peoples ears. Everything seemed peaceful.

As well you have been gay since you were in kindergarten. Yes, you have defeintly been through a phase for 12 years.

I met Kyle, at first I thought he was going to be a asshole. Stern face, chest up , icy blue eyes. A resting bitch face. He seemed saficticated, well organized, serious. To add to the mighty list. Blonde, built, respected. Kyle is everything that you are not.

And to this day. I do not know what he sees in you. AT ALL. But then again. This is you, I'm talking about. You had quite a different taste in people, you were interested in.

After awhile, we got to know him. And I kind of see what you saw in him. He was sweet, nice, and different. He was his own person, who didn't care what people thought of him or all the stupid things you do. Yes, he rolled his eyes at you, but he laughed it off and pecked you cheeks.

I have to admit. I didn't like him at first and did not think you guys would last as long you guys did; of course you guys didn't seem like a couple of people who would date or even be interested in each other. But you guys did, and I can't believe I'm even saying this but I have to admit.

I liked Kyle as a person.

So, that means Tang is going to be your best man at the wedding.

It was , so different then the guys you dated before. You and Kyle balanced each other out. You help him live a bit care free, and he help you to see better in life.

I remember the day you asked out Kyle.

Drove a good solid 3 hours away from our town so no one will find out about the two to you.

You took him to a carnival, spend the whole day with each other. Winning prizes , eating deep fried twinkes, and cotton candy. Kyle was eating a caramel apple if front of your face, when you still had braces on. After all the fun, the park was about to close. You took him to the fairest wheel. You being the most basic person I ever know. You asked out on top of the fairest wheel, of course he hasted ,because it's you we are talking about. Not so sure what possessed him to say this,  but he said yes.

I know all of this, because Tang forced me to come with him. To spy on you guys , to see how stupid you were with him, and if when need to call you if anything goes wrong. By the end we saw how much you adore Kyle, and seen how he felt about you.

We just knew you guys were alright.

I remember.

Sincerely ,


Dear Dumbass #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now