Letter Seven

40 4 0

Dear Dumbass,

Dad hit Mom. Again.

This time, she actually did somthing about.

I wasn't there when he hit her, he knows I'll beat the shit out of him when he does.

But I guess this time, it was different.

Mom shot her self.

She's dead.

I found her, in the bathroom. Her body was on the floor, but her head was in the toilet. She was faced down. The blood a spraid the walls, sink, her soft towels with her inistionals on it.

The whole place was a mess, if mom was still alive to seen it. She would of scream her head off, but enstead she shot her head off.

I don't know what to feel.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to do.

I really need you, Byran.

Because I dont know, anymore.

I don't know.



Heyoo, its Lozano

Hope you like this new letter from Axle.

Poor Axle, been going through some rough times.

We can only find out, until next update.





Dear Dumbass #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now