Letter Six

40 4 0

Dear Dumbass,

I got into a fight. With Tang, we both beat the shit out of David, and his "friends". Majority of them left once they saw the pissed off faces.

I guess it got a little to crazy, when of Tang's other friends pulled a gun out on them.

But who knows.

The white boy of course threathen to sue us.

Then I snaped.

"Do you think anyone is going to believe you? From all the history you got. Do you really think, you are actually able to report us? Im pretty sure, yiu understand if I shot you ,cant do shit, when you'er dead." The last part Axle whispered it to David's ear.

But Tang was holding the gun on his head.

You'er killer is crying because we might kill him. But we don't.

We can't do anything.

We do nothing.




How my Cuties doing ?

Its Lozano, used to be Swiper. But that need to be changed.

Yeah, I know. This is very new from my other usual stories. But I gotta explore, right?

Until next time



COMMENT !!😘😘😘😘😂


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