three - $@!%

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The next day, Kylie was off to work and Nigel and I were off to that party with the girl from the pet store.

As we're leaving the apartment, Nigel feeds his goldfish named Lucky. It's funny to watch him count out the pellets before tossing them into the tank because he's ridiculous like that.

"Come on," I impatiently say while glancing out the window at the sun setting.

"Okay, okay," Nigel huffs and closes the fish tank and the food container.

I link my arm with his once we're in the hallway so he doesn't wander too far, but all I get in return is a tight yank that pulls our arms apart instead.

"Alright, man, don't wander too far," I somewhat tease him when we make it to the sidewalk.

"I'm an adult, not five. I got this," Nigel confidently tells me. I can't help but chuckle.

"At least we can get trashed without worrying about a ride home," I tell Nigel as we quickly approach the block where the party is. Everything is relatively close in this city.

The sun has completely set and the streetlights offer a pathetic strobe of light, but there's nobody else on the sidewalks because it's mostly residential so we don't have to worry too much about getting robbed.

"So, what's the house number?" I ask Nigel, fishing around in my pockets to see if I have any cigarettes in this jacket. I don't.

"Um, I don't remember, but I think It's the house that has that teenage girl smoking on the stairs," Nigel offers while pointing in the girl's direction.

My face lights up at the sight of the girl. She's dressed in a faded jean jacket with black leather pants, a red beanie, and black slip on shoes. The pack of cigarettes sit next to her and as my eyes trail over her outfit, I notice all the lights on in the house behind her. This has to be the right place.

"Hey, can you spare me one of those?" I ask outright while pointing at the box of cigarettes. The girl's expression doesn't change. Instead, one eyebrow is cocked upward in my direction.

"Does it look like I'm giving these out for free?" The girl bluntly states, picking up the pack to stick in her pocket.

"Yeah, well, I could get your number and pay you back later..." I say with a smirk on my lips.

"Gross, go away, perv. I'm 24 years old and have a boyfriend in there. Want me to get him? The lame party you're probably mistaking this house for is four doors down," the girl says while keeping her blunt tone. She doesn't sound very threatening and I'm quite curious to see what her boyfriend looks like, but I stop and hope that Nigel is still with me.

"Alright," I say while back back onto the sidewalk with my hands up.

Nigel isn't there. Before I start panicking, I spin in a circle one more time just to make sure I didn't miss him the first. I desperately look at the girl, who has her arm extended outwards, one finger pointing to the house the party is in. "He's at the party already," she says while mumbling something inaudible afterwards.

This isn't the first time I've done something stupid like this. I think it's because I just assume things... you know what they say about that.

I walk up the concrete steps to the house, which has a disco ball shining multicolored lights through the window. I don't even bother to knock because nobody would be able to hear me over the loud, pulsing music.

I step inside and stay the the door.

Nigel is already dancing with some girl in a bikini top and shorts that go up to her midsection.

There's a few guys smoking weed in the corner, and a guy who looks like he's snorting crack in the other.

I squint my eyes when I smell sweat, pot, and something reminiscent of vomit all mixed together. I immediately turn around to just leave, but someone's hand grabs my wrist before it can latch onto the knob.

"Don't leave, I wanna dance with you," someone's voice says in a quiet tone. At first, it sounds like a guy, and I get a little nervous because I start overthinking my outfit. Did I look too feminine or something? Am I the one giving out the wrong vibes?

But, I'm extremely relieved when I turn around and see a girl with long hair standing in front of me. The fog from the smoke is drifting inbetween us and it's hard to see her over the disco ball and dark lights, but she's beautiful. I decide to let her drag me out into the living room, where a few other people are dancing.

"My name is Charlie," she tells me in the same deep voice I heard a few moments ago. I can't help but crinkle my eyebrows, beginning to study her face the best I can.

"Oh, I'm Eliott," I say calmly. Now that I'm dancing, and sucked into this party, I don't wanna just bolt on her and Nigel. God knows where Nigel is.

"You're so hot," she tells me as her lips linger in just inches from my ear. I feel my stomach flip and I know something isn't right about this, but I'm confused.

"Thanks, you too," I tilt my head away slightly and speak back, my arms crossed now that I've completely stopped dancing with her.

She catches on and pulls away, looking back over at me with her eyebrows pulled high onto her forehead, "Wow, nevermind. Turn off."

I shrug and watch her begin to walk away. My eyes follow her and the people dancing break apart to let her by, finally seeing a couch with two guys making out. What? I squint to try to look closer.

She sits down inbetween them and starts making out with the guy on her left while the guy on her right sits patiently on his phone. I cough quietly and head towards the door again, my heart dropping. Charlie wasn't a girl and I just wanted to go home.

I didn't leave, though, I just sat on the other couch directly across from the guys making out with Charlie. The more I tried to fight the idea of me somehow liking guys, the more I felt like it could be who I was. I pushed the idea way although I knew there was only one way to find out.

We'll start small with Charlie, still looks like a girl but is probably not a girl. If Charlie is a girl, I guess I'm screwed.

But tonight, I was gonna kiss Charlie, because why the hell not?


I didn't get a chance to proofread this, so keep that in mind.

I'm so busy so hopefully I'll be able to update next week... If not, I'll definitely aim to do every other week!

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