eleven - once upon a time

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Once I make it back to our apartment building, Kylie is leaving for work and I literally run into her on the sidewalk outside.

"Hey, Eliott, there's some guy in there named Michael and he's looking for you," Kylie tells me hurriedly as she tucks her hair behind her ears. She flashes me a small smile over her shoulder as she quickly continues down the sidewalk.

I tilt my eyes to the side and try to think why Michael is waiting for me inside. Slowly, I push open the complex's doors and immediately spot him sitting on a bench in the foyer area.

"I heard you were looking for me," I break the silence straight away and stand at the doors, watching Michael fiddle with his gloves in his lap.

"Sorry to creep you out - or not - but I lost my credit card that was in the pocket of the jacket I let you wear home earlier," Michael explains to me with his shoulders slumped and zero eye contact.

"I, uh, don't know how to help you," I say while shaking my head slowly in confusion. I feel my shoulders involuntarily rise and fall in a shrug.

"I was hoping that you would be honest with me if you happened to take it," Michael says with a firmer tone and a glance in my direction.

I shake my head defensively and pull my hands out of my pockets, "No, no, I swear I haven't touched it."

Michaels tilts his chin upwards to give me one more glance, slowly nodding as he slips his gloves back on one by one.

"Sorry to bother with your time then," Michael mutters as he walks past me to push open the complex doors.

I notice the woman at the front help desk look at me with her left eyebrow raised as if I was lying.

"I didn't steal his card, Melinda!" I say with my arms still up, eyes wide on the elevators in front of me because I don't want to see her stupid crooked eyebrows anymore. Melinda is nice but her nose is always in your business. It gets old and annoying very fast.

She chuckles and her high pitched laugh travels with me all the way into the elevator.

"Shut the eff up," I mutter to myself as the doors slowly close and the view of the foyer dissipates. I want to cut down on swearing, but the dialect in this city gets to me more often than not.

Once I'm on my floor I quickly go to my room and try to open the door but it's locked. I mutter a few more curse words under my breath, quickly realizing I need to stop, and fish around for my key to unlock it. I push the door open once I get the right key and freeze in the doorway.

"What the hell!" I exclaim while Nigel and James are half naked in the kitchen in front of me. Note taken: sometimes it's okay to curse.

"Close the door!" Nigel tells me quietly as he motions with his hand.

"Nobody is even out there," I assure him as I twist my face in disgust and slowly slip my keys back in my coat pocket.

"Close it!" Nigel quietly says again while pulling his jeans up from his ankles.

"Were you two about to do it in the kitchen? Where we eat our meals and sit down and stuff?" I ask while my fingertips slowly creep inbetween my hair, about ready to pull it out.

"We... just..." James starts stuttering while he's covering his chest with his shirt, feverishly exchanging looks between Nigel and me.

"You just what?" I exclaim, throwing my arms out to my side as I let all of my attention lay on Nigel instead of James who looks like a human tomato.

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