The Beginning (Part 1)

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  "Hah! Hah! Hah!" A fire-like person was running toward the Cyloth's castle from the nearest forest. He seems like chasing something.

  "I'm gonna be late. Please don't get mad, princess," said the person alone while running to the castle. 

Meanwhile, at the castle, a maid was approaching a door at the end of the second hall of the palace. Knock! Knock! She knocked the door until someone from the room told her to come in.

  "Princess," said the maid politely. Apperantly, the maid went to the princess room. The princess was sitting on a couch near with the room's window. She slowly turned her head and saw the maid standing in front of the door. 

  "I'm glad you came," said the princess while smiling to her maid. "Err.. It's nothing," answer the blushed maid.

  "Am I disturbing your work?" asked the princess softly. "Eh, no! I didn't have any work in this time after all," she answered awkwardly. Although she is the closest maid with the princess, but she still a lower person to her. "Glad to hear that," said the princess.

  "Maria," said the princess. "Yes, Your Majesty?" "Can you keep my secret?" the princess straightly asked the maid named Maria to keep the princess's privacy. "Eh?" the Maria startled with the princess's wish. 

  "Keep your.. secret?" she asked the princess. "Why? Do you have a problem? Why do you make that face?" asked the princess without knowing the maid's feeling. 

  "Ah! It's nothing. Just.. Are you sure with me?" asked Maria. She was not sure if she can keep the princess's secret. 

  "Do you want to know something, Maria?  For me, you're more than that," said the princess. Maria was stiffed when she heard the princess spoke about her. 

  "You're my closest friend, Maria. In the other words, you're my best friend," said the princess honestly. The maid touched by her words. 

  "Will you keep my secret now?" asked the princess again. Maria nodded. "I will, Your Majesty," said Maria after thinking for a moment. "Good. Now, come here," said the princess while extending her hand to Maria. Maria received the princess's hand politely and she sat next to the princess.

  "Actually, I'm fall in love with someone," said the princess blushed. "Eh?" "I say I'm falling in love with someone," she repeated again. "Yeah, yeah. I hear that. You fell in love?" Maria said as she doesn't believe with her words. 

  "Yes. For me, he is special," said the princess again. She is so cute when she is blushing, thought Maria. "Owh.. I get that. So.. What kind guy of him?" asked Maria.

  "Hmm.. Although he is a careless person, but he is the strongest guy that I've met," said the princess described the guy that she loved to Maria. Maria was silent for a moment. 

  "Let me guess.. Is it.. Ryan?" said Maria trying to guess the guy which the princess loved. The princess stiffed. 


Hello, everyone. This is Sora-chan. Thanks for reading my first English language story. Sorry if this story has some grammar mistakes. Actually, I don't good in English. But, I will try my best for my reader. That's all. Stay tuned for the next chapter! See ya!


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