The Portal (Part 1)

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  While Ryan had his flashback about his past, he didn't realize that someone was approaching him from his back. A girl with a long grey-hair was standing behind the bench which Ryan sat on it. She reached Ryan's shoulder and didn't know that it will surprise him.

"Ryan!" said the girl patted Ryan's shoulder.

"Woaah!!" Ryan surprised and he jumped from the bench when he realize the girl suddenly stood behind him. The girl also shocked with Ryan's shout. "Hey, don't appeared suddenly behind my back like that! Do you want me get a heart attack?" he scolded the girl.

"S-Sorry, sorry! I didn't know that will surprise you. Sorry," the girl apologized while bowed in a few times. "Never mind about that," said Ryan while adjusting his stand's pose. "What do you want?"

"Err.. I saw you sat alone here, so I thought you might need any help or something..," said the girl while looking Ryan's face. He sighed and tried to smile to her.

"It's okay. Why are you here, Angeline? Shouldn't you in the palace, joining your twin sister in her party with the King and the Prince from the neighbour country? They are special guest you know?" asked Ryan to the girl. Apparently, the girl was the Princess's twin. The girl shook her head while smile to Ryan. "Nah, I don't want to mess her party. I just want to take a walk around the palace, watch the people who came to the party. I don't interested in these things," she said while looking the ground and hold her hands behind her back.

"Oh, I see," said Ryan knew what she meant. Angeline was the Princess's twin but they are too different. That's why Ryan didn't call her princess. She doesn't like it.

Their face were totally same until no one can make a difference of the their face, which one is the Princess and Angeline. They only have two differences: color of hair and personality. Angeline has a grey hair and she was a happy princess and the Princess has a blond hair and she was a cool and an emotional princess. Not all the people in the Cyloth knew this fact. The kingdom keep it a secret for some unknown reasons.

"Oh, I forgot something!" said Angeline, "Actually, I came here for something. I want you to know this thing. It will blow your mind. Come, follow me!" Ryan froze for a second when Angeline said like that, then he followed her without any question. They walked into the forest behind the castle.

"You don't scared for entering this forest? Don't you know there were many beast and monster in this forest?" Ryan asked her after a few minutes they walked in. But, the girl didn't listen. "Hey, Angeline! Did you hear me?"

"Stop!" the girl suddenly stopped. "Over there. Did you see that?" Angeline pointed to an old plain well in a few steps from them. Ryan nodded.

"Yeah. I saw it. What's wrong with the well?"

"Let's go," Angeline walked towards the well. Ryan just tired with the girl's action. Childish, he thought.

"An ancient said there was a well which was a door to an another dimension inside this kingdom. It called a portal. And I don't know which one the well is, but I think I had found it," said Angeline while touching the well. Ryan looked her with curiosity. "Portal? I don't know there was a portal in this kingdom. An old portal..," Ryan said while looking inside the well. There was no end for the well.

"Wait, you said that you'd found it, the portal. Is this the well that you're talking about? What can make you think like that?"

"Ryan, you know I'm not like my twin, right? I'm a witch's apprentice so I know which one is a portal and which one isn't," said Angeline while looking Ryan sharply. Ryan looked at another direction to avoid from making an eye-contact with her. When she looked back the well, Ryan turned his head.

"Is there anyone who ever enter this well?" asked Ryan broke the silent between them. "I don't know. But, someone told me a story about a little boy who fell into this well. A few years ago, there was a boy who fell into this well after he run away from a herd of wolves. He doesn't come out after the accident until now. This story was told by a farmer who was passing by and saw the accident," the girl answered. Ryan nodded his head again.

"Okay, it's time to leave now. There were many monsters and beasts in this forest especially in this area," suddenly Angeline mentioned about the beasts and monsters which Ryan told her before this. "Huh? Why did you told me a same thing that I told you before this? said Ryan was little annoyed with her.

"There is no time to talk right now! Walk or we will be fou-" a giant tree flew at her and made her thrown with the tree. "Angeline! What's going on here?" Ryan looked at the direction from where the tree came from. Someone was walking toward him with a long black robe.

"Finally, I had found you, fire-boy," said the person in the robe. Ryan can't see the person's face. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" shouted Ryan. She open her hood that covering her face. "It's me, idiot! Why can't you remember the person who will kill you this tonight?!" the woman shouted Ryan angrily.

Ryan was surprised when he look the woman's face. Now he know who was that woman. "The Dark Witch..," said Ryan with a low volume. Ryan lighted his flame on his whole body. The clothes that he wore seem burned but it didn't burnt at all. The witch smirked. "So, you want to fight with me, little flame? I had destroy the disturber, so now I can kill you peacefully. Get ready for receiving your punishment for destroying my palace!" the witch lifted her wand and sparked a big dark purple light on it. "Die you littl-" the witch can't finished her sentence because someone pushed her from her side.

"How dare you knock me like that, Old Witch! You must receive my punch first before you do anything," said Angeline while hit the witch's abdomen and made the witch thrown into a big tree.

Ryan so glad when Angeline stood up after knocked by the witch using the a big tree. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's finish her off," said Angeline seriously when she saw the witch flew toward them. "Hei! I'm not that old! I'm still 250 years old and still teenager. You are the one who grew up so fast," suddenly the witch said like that. "Eh? She was an evil. How can she grumbled such in this time?" said Ryan in his mind.

Actually, the witch still look like a 16 years old girl although she was 250 years old. She still had the feeling like a teenage girl. She was a witch so, she can do anything what she want.

Angeline started to attack the witch again. But the witch, who was floating on the air now, dodged easily from the attack and shoot Angeline with her dark magic, made her fell on the ground hardly and fainted. "Angeline! I would not forgive you!" Ryan shoot his fireballs to the flying witch. The witch, as always, dodged easily Ryan's attack. "What a weak flame you have.. Can't you make a bigger fireball? Or you just afraid to use a big fire in this forest because it will burn this forest, aren't you?" said the witch while lying on the air as she was lying on the floor and watch Ryan's reaction. Ryan froze. He stopped from shooting his fireballs.

He know what was her meaning of her words. Ryan had burnt a forest in a few years ago. After that, he had burn and kill his own little sister, Eliz by burning a hut which Eliz was still in there. He blamed himself because of his stupid action because he loved his little sister so much.

"Had a flashback, little boy? Hahahahaha! I knew your weakness," teased the witch. "Shut up!" Ryan ran toward the witch while charging a big fire at his right hand. Then, he jumped and want to hit the witch with his fire until something happened. The witch suddenly transform herself into a little girl that Ryan mostly love in the world. "Eliz..?" he was distracted by the witch's form and he doesn't realize his flame on his hand had disappeared. The wicked witch attacked him. "Ughh...," the witch got Ryan's throat and choked him until he can't breath. He can't attack the witch because he doesn't able to attack his own sister although it was just an illusion.

"Hahahahahaha! What a weakling! I knew you can't attack me in this form although it was just an illusion," the witch mocked him with her evil laugh. "Damn.. you.. witch..," said Ryan almost lost his breath because the witch choked him strongly. 

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