The Past (Last Part)

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"Don't do anything crazy, Ryan!" he want to caught Ryan's arm but he can't touch Ryan's flame. He couldn't make it because he had standing in front of them, covering them to protect them from the monster. "RYAAAN!!"

"AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Ryan shouted loudly as he was in a great pain from his back. The whole family shocked when they saw Ryan was standing in front of them, fighting with the pain of his back. It's not a real surprise before they saw the monster was sucking slowly into Ryan's body!

"IT'S HUURT!!" Ryan's voice suddenly turned into the demon's voice, like he has a two voice with different tone in a same time. "Ryan!! What are you doing?!" the King shouted. "I must protect.. my family..," he still spoke with the demon's voice. He started to cry because of the great pain that he had on his back as he felt that his back has been burned by a huge fire. He didn't know that he can suck any monster into his body.

"HEEELP.. MEEE!!" cried Ryan again. He can't stand any longer because of the pain on his back. Zoey want to help him but the King stopped him. "This is what he want. Let he does his wish alone," said the King. Zoey couldn't stand to see Ryan like that. He doesn't want to see his little brother bear his pain alone.

Finally, the demon was completely sucked into Ryan's body. He fell on the floor and fainted from his fighting with his pain. The family were stiffed with the event that occurred just now.

"What.. was happening?" said Eliz without knowing anything. She doesn't saw anything because Zoey covered Eliz's face from watching Ryan sucks the monster because he was afraid if she run into him and might disturb him. 

"Ryan? Ryan! Are you okay?" said the Queen while running to get him. When she touched Ryan's face, she felt like she was touching a fire and she immediately remove her hand from his face. "Ouch! His face is so hot. I can't touch him!" told the Queen to the King. "Eliz, can you touch him?" asked the King to his daughter. Eliz walked toward them and sat next to Ryan. Then, she placed her hand on her elder brother's face. She nodded.

"Yes, Father. I can touch him, like usually," said Eliz. "Good. Now, take off his clothes," said the King again. Eliz did as her father's said. "Okay, try to turn his back to upside," said the King. The Queen and Zoey surprised when they looked at Ryan's back. There was a huge demonic mark on his back. This mean the demon has been sealed in his body. 

"What.. is this, Father?" asked Zoey to the King. "He had make his choice," said the King. "Eh? What do you mean?" he became more confuse. The King silent for a moment. "The demon that he sucked just now will be sealed in his body," said the King. Both of the Queen and Zoey shocked after hearing the King's word. "Why does this happen to him? Honey, can you fix it?" asked the Queen to the King. She can't believe that her son will live with a demon in his body. 

"No, I can't do anything. Maybe this is his fate," said the King sadly. He understood the Queen's feeling. He also didn't want his son to live like that. "Ugh..," Ryan woke up from his faint. "Ryan! Are you okay?" Zoey worried about his brother.

"What's happened? Wh-Where is my clothes?" asked Ryan. He shocked when he realized he wasn't dressed. The Queen sat next to her son. "Do you not remember anything?" asked the Queen. Ryan shook his head. "N-No. Wait.. Where is the demon?" he asked them while looking for the demon. 

He puzzled when he saw his family looked sad to him. "Why did you all looked sad? Is there anything bad had happened?" asked him. "My son..," the Queen hugged him. She felt Ryan's body became warm and she cried loudly. "Mother..,".

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