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Luna watched. She watched as every mutant and human in the remaining world gathered here. In Chicago. In the streets, the buildings, everywhere. She didn't know why or even how. She just knew they were there. Stephen had arrived earlier. He was holding onto the spire at the top of the building, watching. She hadn't tried to talk to him. She didn't want to. She didn't care anymore. He was a mutant. He took away her sister and her parents. Besides, she had a new partner in justice.
    "Hey, babe," Connor said, walking up behind her and setting his hands on her sides, kissing her on the cheek. Luna smiled, looking up through his sandy hair to his deep blue eyes.
    "Hey," she replied, kissing him on the nose. He smiled down at her, then looked out at Chicago, setting his chin in her thick blond hair.
    "What're they all doing?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her chest.
    "Waiting," she replied, setting her arms on top of his. "I don't know what for."
    "Hmm. Maybe for the half-breed on the roof."
    "Maybe." The door opened and the two separated turning to face whoever it was. It was Matthew.
    "Matt-er-sir!" Connor stammered, snapping to attention. "What are you doing here?"
    "At ease, Connor," Matthew said, walking over and setting a hand on his shoulder for a second. "Just came to watch." Connor relaxed and stepped next to Luna, who slipped her hand in his. Matthew stepped to the wide, slightly cracked windows, looking out across the city. The other two looked with him, absorbing the fear and anxiety radiating off of him like silent sound. The only noise for the next few minutes was the clamoring of the people below and the steady stream of thought running through their heads. The one to break the silence was Connor.
    "Do you know what they're waiting for, Matt?" he asked, looking over at his stern commander.
    "Yes," Matthew replied quietly. "I do."
    "Well," Connor replied, "what?" Matthew looked over at him, as stoic and sad as a ghost.
    "The next virus," he said. "They call her Illusion."

Stephen stood on the roof of the old Willis Tower, waiting. Insanity had told him that his sister, Illusion, would come soon. He could feel himself changing back, his leg bending forwards and his shell-like exterior becoming softer and more flesh-like. His eyes were merging back into one and becoming normal. His wings were disintegrating into flakes. The transformation made the left side of his body even more off balance. He had to grip the spire with his right arm and leg just to stay upright. He could feel that the time for it all to happen was close. He was sick and tired and just felt horrible. All of a sudden, the spire exploded. Stephen was launched off of it, his left side filled with excruciating pain as Insanity died. Pink mist flew out from the previous location of the spire, spreading like pollen across Chicago. He could hear thumps below as people passed out, followed by screams of bystanders that were abruptly cut off when they too fell unconscious. Time seemed to go in slow motion as Stephen fell. People in buildings collapsed, unable to escape the new virus. The whole world would soon be affected, and no one could stop it. It was time. He closed his eyes, accepting the virus, when he suddenly and painfully stopped. He yelped in pain and looked back at his captor: Luna.
    "Let me go," he gasped, exhaustion restricting his rebellion.
"No," she said, pulling him into the room she was in, both falling onto the floor. Stephen dragged himself towards the edge, but Luna grabbed his shoulders and held him back. He looked out across the city, mind flashing back to when Insanity had told him to kill Luna. The mutants in the vision weren't being cured. They were being infected. Even in unconsciousness, Illusion worked in their bodies, destroying her elder brother once and for all so that she could live. Stephen gasped for air, the pain in his left side becoming unbearable. Stephen... Insanity whispered. Goodbye. The change was complete. He was human again. He screamed once more with agony and loss and threw himself free of Luna's grasp, ignoring her scream. He could feel himself slipping away, closing his eyes as the darkness of unconsciousness surrounded him. The last sound he heard before he went completely under was the sharp crack of his back against the pavement.

Virus: Insanity Where stories live. Discover now