The First Meeting

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Demi's POV

I've now figured out that no matter how long I cry about not wanting to go to school, I'm going to have to go. People always talk about how amazing your last year of high school is, but I honestly don't get it. What's so amazing about it? All my life I've been praying for the very last day of high school to come faster.

I got dressed in a band tee and jeans, nothing special. I grabbed an apple and started walking to school, I enjoyed the peace and quiet. Well, while it lasted.

I took two steps and I saw this girl, never taking her eyes off of the sidewalk. On the other side of the road I saw a group of people facing her screaming and calling her 'fat' and 'ugly'. But from what I could see she was neither. Her dark red hair bounced with every step she took, she wore baggy close but I could see her figure, weird I know but I'm the same way. She started to pick up her pace as soon as they started pelting rocks at her, that's when I knew I had to do something. She stopped for a second and looked at her phone, slowly returning her gaze back to a girl standing in front of her. They ran to each other and hugged like they haven't seen each other in forever. The rock pelting stopped, but new words surfaced. 'Gay' 'Lesbian!'. I wasn't going to act like I just witnessed all of that. I started walking faster towards the two girls.

Violets POV

I felt a few rocks hit me as I ran to Hannah, but they soon stopped. I heard faint screaming through my head phones, but I didn't bother looking, I already know what their saying. Me and Hannah will always be friends, nothing more.

When we released from our hug Hannah's gaze was fixed on something behind me, so I turned around. I saw this girl, this gorgeous girl jogging towards us, never making eye contact. Nobody has ever ran up to me, nobody is ever that excited to see me. I figured that this girl was like a deploy for the gang ahead of us. She was going to finish what they couldn't. My heart started pounding as she moved closer. Preparing for what was about to happen I closed my eyes and ripped my earbuds out. I heard slow footsteps so I peeked out of one eye, to see this girl with a confused smile on her face.

'Maybe she wasn't going to murder me?' I thought.

"Look if you're going to beat me up can you just get it over with because I need to get to school" I blurted out, not thinking.

She looked shocked when that sentence escaped my mouth.

"No no no no! I'm not going to hurt you, I saw you getting yelled at and hurt. I wanted to help you"

Wait. Someone besides Hannah wants me to live? I glanced over at Hannah and she was smiling at me, I knew what she was thinking. This beautiful girl, smiling at me, staring at me. I had to say something,

"I'm V-Violet", smooth Violet great job.

"I'm Demi"

Demi. Her smile captivated me. It got awkward sitting there for two minutes, doing nothing but smiling. Hannah soon introduced herself and we began walking to school. Maybe today won't be so bad.

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