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Violets POV


I figured now was my chance, Demi was out of the room and I was finally alone.

I searched for my blade behind the toilet. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as my fingers stumbled over it.

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway

'I have to do this quick'

I thought.

I made three mild gashes on my wrist, I wasn't satisfied, but Demi's pace was picking up.

I wrapped a towel around my body and put a wash rag around my wounds.

"He got away". Three simple words that made my entire body freeze.

I didn't respond, I couldn't. I just maneuvered around her and ran. I didn't exactly know where to go but I knew I had to get out of there. I dropped the towel as I made it down the drive way. I pat my pocket, checking to make sure I stashed my blade in there.

"Violet! Stop! We need to stay together!" I heard her scream from far away.

I found my way to the nearest park, I looked around to see if anybody was here, I was alone... again. I pulled out my blade and played with it. I closed my eyes and prayed that this would be my last cut, the last time I would have to witness numbness 24/7, I would no longer be empty, I would be.. happy. I placed it on my wrist, lightly pressing down, not enough to break the skin but just to feel controlled.

'End it. now.' the voices croaked.

Demi's POV

She took off, not really what I expected but that doesn't mean I won't try to find her. Seeing her this way breaks me. I need to tell her.

I pull out my phone and turn on the flash light. I could follow her wet foot steps on the bleached pavement.

The park? Why was she here? I started slowing down so I wouldn't scare her. Her back was turned while she was sitting on the grass in an open field. Her head was tilted back and the shoulders were moving up and down quickly, I turned the flashlight off and walked up behind her.


It took me a minute to realize what was going on, but it clicked.

"VIOLET STOP" She was holding a blade to her wrist. I saw a few cuts below where she was holding it.

I leaned down and snatched the blade out of her hand and threw it as far as I could.

"What the hell are you doing Demi?!"

"Saving you!"

She brought her hands up to her ears and started rocking back in forth while she screamed. I quickly sat down next to her and pulled her close to me. I felt my heart shattering with every gasp she took.

"Violet it's okay, I'm here now, you're safe."

"M-make them stop!" she whimpered.

"Violet listen to me!" I turned her face towards mine as she lowered her hands from her ears.

"You're safe. I promise." I pulled her into my lap and continued to rock back and forth. I felt a tear trickle down my check, I didn't bother whipping it away, I was scared she would run off again.

We sat there nearly for an hour until 4 police men walked up behind us.

"Ma'am is everything alright? We followed the screams."

"Yes thank you we are okay" I answered so Violet didn't have to.

"Are you the owners of the house that we got the call from?"

"Not exactly" Violets sobs shook my body.

"Where's your parents?"

"They're dead." she spook up.

I jerked my head towards her and whispered "I got this Vi, it's okay, remember I told you, you're safe."

"Who was the call made to report?" one of the officers asked.

"A ma-" I was cut off by Violet.

"My uncle."

-Authors note-

So I don't really like this chapter so I'm probably going to update tomorrow. But I'm almost at 2k views like hOly shit what.

THANK YOU for reading and commenting and voting. Feel free to follow me on Instagram. My Lovatic one: @battlewound (if I ever miss an update I'll post on there when I will update next and you can ask any questions there.) And my personal one for shits and giggles if you want: @httphannah :))) thank you again for reading!

I Didn't Forget (Demi Lovato)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang