Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
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The next day was zooming by ridiculously fast. It was almost like the more I wished for it to slow down, the faster and closer it got to biology.

I dreaded sitting next to that jerk and having to converse with him. I felt the all-too-familiar feeling of fear and despair squeeze at my insides as I made my way to biology.

Scarlett wasn't in school that day, so I had virtually no moral support besides Savanah- who had class on the opposite end of the building.

I hadn't noticed my location until I was already walking through the door. I tenderly sat down at my desk and awaited his presence.

I heard the chair next to me squeak against the floor, and smelt the pleasant smell of Ashton's (probably extremely expensive) cologne.

"Today at four... go to Eli's house to work on the project," he said stiffly.

"Um, okay...?" I shot him a strange look.

"Kevin and George are going, too. They can work on theirs."

"Did they get assigned to each other for this project?" I asked.

"No. It's different."

"Huh?" I asked, and he turned to me with an annoyed look on his face.

"They don't take this class. It's a different project," he answered like I was stupid. I rolled my eyes.

"How was I supposed to know that? Asshat," I muttered and he took out his notebook, apparently done with this conversation.

"You're a really bad conversationalist, you know that?" I said to him. "You're so dry."

"And you're so annoying." He still wasn't looking at me.

"Said the boy who spilt Gatorade on my white shirt," I took out my own notebook.

"At least I know how to walk," he mumbled.

"At least I'm not an arrogant prick," I retorted, and he was about to say something back but stopped himself, letting out an aggravated sigh.

I win, I thought.

Mr. Gletzo walked in and reminded us that we would have no more class time to work on the project.

At one point I had reached for my pen to jot down some quick notes, but at the same moment he also tried to take my pen. I glared up at him incredulously and yanked it from his stupid hand.

"That's my pen," he grumbled.

"Except not," I denied and began writing, immediately seeing that it was black ink- instead of the blue ink my pens always had. Shit balls..

Too stubborn to admit that I was wrong, I simply looked back up at the teacher. Still feeling his eyes on me, I turned my gaze over to him, but he just rolled his eyes and looked at the teacher as well.

Bio had never gone by slower. I stared at the clock, waiting anxiously for him to dismissed us. As soon as the bell rang, I turned to look at Ashton.

"Where does Eli live?" I asked him.

"5 Memorial Lane," He said and walked away. Five memorial lane??? I had to pass by that street on my way to the supermarket.

I would always glance down the street and become paralyzed from the neck down as I stared in awe at the beautiful mansions. I hadn't noticed that he had left until he already was out of room.

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