Chapter 37

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Chapter 37
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As my eyes slowly began to crack open, I was met with the scent that I had grown so fond of.

I felt Ashton's arm wrapped around my waist, loose yet possessive. I looked up at him, and although he was asleep, he still looked sexy as hell.

I, on the contrary, looked like a skinned cat wearing a ratchet Halloween wig from target... so I was very grateful that I had woken up first. I repositioned myself slightly to hide my hair and my face.

I took a deep breath in and let it out as I laid my head back down on Ashton's chest. Although he was asleep, I still felt an electric current surging through my veins as I laid there, tangled with him.

I stayed there for about a half an hour, just closing my eyes and trying to fall back to sleep, until someone knocked on Ashton's door so loud that it sounded like gunshots. Startled, Ashton and I jumped a foot in the air and he looked confused as hell.

"For fucks sake," he whispered, catching his breath from the jump scare.

I moved over so that he could get up, and before I could get up to hide in the bathroom, he had opened the door. It was Kevin. When he saw me, he looked like a 5 year old girl who saw a unicorn for the first time. He put both hands over his mouth and his eyes widened to the size of golf balls.

"Did you two.." he said, smiling suggestively and pointing back and forth between us with one hand.

Ashton and I looked at each other, then back at him, both of us wide eyed.

"No." We said simultaneously. Kevin looked at us skeptically.

"Yeah, okay, and I'm pregnant," he rolled his eyes, not believing us. "Breakfast is ready, even though it looks like you already ate," he said and looked back and forth between us, grinning mischievously.

Ashton and I rolled our eyes as Kevin walked away. Ashton looked back over to me.

"Hey," he said and smiled as he rubbed his eye with one hand and ran his other hand through his hair. His voice was deep and husky.

..father my children...

I mean what??

"Hey," I replied and smiled. I probably looked like I had just been dug out of a grave, so I had no clue how he was able to look at me and smile for more than half of a second.

I crawled out of his bed and put my hair up in a messy bun with the elastic that was around my wrist. Ashton had gotten a gray, short sleeved shirt out of his bag and placed it on his bed. He slid his shirt off and placed it down on the bed.

I couldn't help but stare at his back muscles as they moved while he reached for his shirt. I watched as he slipped his gray shirt on, and I couldn't help but wish that he hadn't.

He turned around and caught me staring at him, my eyes quickly went to his and I tried not to blush like a maniac.

"Done checking me out?" He joked as he turned around.

"No actually, could you give me a sec?" I replied, making sure he knew that I was joking. He laughed and when he turned around to smile at me I could see his eyes visibly become 3 shades brighter.

Seeing Ashton genuinely happy was one of the greatest feelings that I had ever experienced. He rarely let his vulnerability out, so when he did, I couldn't help but let mine out as well... And comfortable, mutual vulnerability was definitely my favorite feeling.

"So," I began, "last night." I said and smiled as we began to walk over to the main house.

"Last night," He repeated, smiling down at me.

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