Cold water

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Holly-May p.o.v

"You're not Dustin. You're fucking Justin Bieber! And you're holly-may Hamilton!" the girl shouts

"Uhh, and you are?" Justin asks trying to change the subject

She smiles and squeals, "I'm Hannah! Oh my god are you for real?" She laughs

Justin and I smile awkwardly not knowing what to say. We got caught and I'm not even surprised.

"It's so weird how we were talking about Justin Bieber, and you're Justin Bieber. And you're here with you're girlfriend! No way!"

I give her a tight smile, "not, his girlfriend." I nervously chuckle making Justin roll his eyes.

"Bless you by the way," she says to Justin, "cause you sneezed." She chuckles

"Thank you." Justin laughs.

"No prob, what are you guys doing here anyways?" She asks

"Well, we just driving and we stopped here." Justin says

"Oh cool." She smiles

Justin turns to me and gives me the let's leave signal with his head and I nod

"We better get back, nice meeting you Hannah." Justin says standing up and pulls me up, pushing my chair in.

"You too! Have a safe drive." She smiles


"See you tomorrow Justin." She winks

Justin got confused for a second then realized that what she meant was she was seeing him preform tomorrow.

"Oh yeah, see ya, maybe." Justin points out making Hannah and I laugh.

Justin and I head an exit and we run to the car. As soon as we enter I burst out laughing making Justin chuckle in his seat.

"I told you this wouldn't work." I laugh

"I don't get how my wig would move when I sneezed." Justin says making me laugh even more

"It was just bad luck." I reply

Justin laughs starting the car and when it started we heard Cold Water playing on the radio. Justin and I hear it the same time making us both gasp surprised and shot each other the same expressional look.

"Is this a sign?" I say laughing putting the volume louder.

"I don't know but I'm on the radio!" Justin shouts jumping in his seat

"And if you feel you're sinking I will jump, right over into cold cold water for you!" I sing making Justin's smile grower wider.

"Would you really jump into cold water for me?" Justin asks oddly.

"Uhh, yeah, sure dude." I laugh and he smiles and gets out the car walking to my side of the door. Da faq?

I watch him walk to my side of the car and he opens the door, picking me up bridal style making me scream.

"Justin? What are you doing!?" I laugh

"You said you'd jump into cold water for me, right? And I would too."

"Yeah so?"

"There's a small river right here, so let's prove our love for each other." Justin says running to the front of the parking lot where the river was

"No Justin! Don't you dare!" I scream trying to get off him.

"I love you babes!" He says and right after I could reply he jumps into the water and he lets go of me.

My body hits the water making me want to go back to the surface again. It was freezing cold, i mean Italy is cold enough, why am in this river. Is this even legal?

I finally come up the surface and look for Justin but I couldn't see him. I trade water because the river was quite deep and turn around looking for Justin but I couldn't find him.

Is he dead?

"Justin?" I call

There was no answer and no Justin

"Justin? What the fuck?" I call looking for Justin more but I couldn't find him

I'm getting quite worried

I stay where I was looking for Justin until boom something grabs my leg and soon enough he gives me a fright and he was right in front of me, hands on my hips

"Boo." He says and laughs loudly

"Oh my god Justin. Don't do that." I sigh

"What? You thought I was dead?" He says still laughing out loud

"Yes, actually I thought you were dead." I say seriously

He laughs even more and I roll my eyes swimming away from him but he pulls me back making our bodies touch in the cold water.

"Don't swim away, I'm not done." He says lowly looking at my lips.

"Well I was." I say rolling my eyes pushing him away from him but before I could do that he takes my hands putting them away on his sides.

"Just wait, you're going to ruin it." He says and leans in kissing my lips. I kiss back after a second putting my hands on his hair and my legs on his waist. His hands automatically land on my bum pulling me into him more.

We carry on kissing in the cold water until minutes later I pull away because I felt his lips shivering on mine. I didn't want him to get sick.

"If you get sick. Scooter will kill me." I say and Justin smiles

"Let's go then yeah?" He says

"Yeah." I reply and let go of my grip on his neck, swimming away to the way out of this river.

Justin and I get out after sometime and walk back to the car. I take off my wet wig because it was too uncomfortable and try to dry myself. Justin hands me a purpose tour sweatshirt and sweatpants since i told him I was too wet and I didn't want to wear my jumpsuit again. Why does he have so many clothes in his boot? Damn

When I got dressed, we finally go back to the car, Justin reverses and heads back to the road drinking back to the hotel.

"We were a good Dustin and Holly." Justin chuckles looking at the road making a turn

I look at him and chuckle, "it's so dumb how you make your name similar to your real one and make my name Holly Wood." I laugh

He joins me and shrugs, "I wasn't thinking and at least I helped you out. You were blanked out, it's like you wanted to get caught."

"I couldn't think of a name, I don't know why." I laugh

"You see, we're even." He says looking at me then looks back at the road

"Hm, guess we are." I agree leaning back on my seat.

Let's just say, tonight, has been an eventful night. Am I right or am I right?


I'm so motherfracking sick. Yay it's school, I'm happy but I'm sad because I miss the holidays but I'm happy to see everyone at school to see all my friends. It's weird that I like school I know, it's just because I go to an all girls school so there no boys at my school. I don't need no man...except Justin of course lol.

Question: what more should I to the book? Fluff, drama, smut lol, etc? Let me know!

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