It was a drunken mistake

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Double update :p


Hey Holls

Finally you're awake at 3pm

I'm so hangover
*picture attached*

Not surprisedYou were super drunk yesterday

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Not surprised
You were super drunk yesterday

You saw me?

How do you think you got home

Dunno tbh

Now you do

thanks holster ❤️


Something's wrong
Did I do something when I was drunk
If I did I'm super sorry
It was drunken mistake

I think you're also supposed to say 'SHE was a drunken mistake'

Did i?

Lol yep
I told you specifically no kissing hoes and, what do you do? Kiss a hoe

Who was it?

Does it matter?
Why do you care about that right now?
Do you not care that you kind of cheated on me?

It was a drunken mistake Holly, I was not thinking at all and I have no explanation because I can't even fucking remember it happen but I know I regret it

You didn't seem to regret it last night.....


If it's such a big deal for you to know, some bish that was calling me 3am and told me that it was Alexis..

Alexis Redding?

Well yeah, how many Alexis' do you know?

....shit I'm sorry holly

I'll forgive you, but I'll never forget about last night :/

What even happened, where did you fetch me?

You ended our relationship...

No? Why the fuck would I do that

Because you never liked me



No wait holly
We still need to talk about what happened

You went to a party, got drunk, made out with your 'best friend', went to a hotel room full of girls and Maejor. I picked you up, you got mad that I got mad we were shouting then I guess I don't want to explain the rest

I was drunk
Why would you believe me

Drunk minds speak sober thoughts

Don't be that person that believes that shit

That's what you told me last night after I told you I'm not going to listen to you break up with me because you're drunk

So what, you just don't want to be with me

I do, you just don't want to be with me

I do
Why would I ask you to be my girlfriend if I didn't like you

Maybe things we're just better if we were friends
This is too much

Holly don't you dare say that. I'm so dumb and I don't know why I went to the party.

I'm also thinking why you did

I'm sorry

Okay, you basically ended it though so...

I'm not ending it

Well I'm ending it now so bye

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