IX • 9

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It was late when you got back to the flat. Sherlock had opted to take a taxi as opposed to the train. You must've been tired, because the last thing you remembered after getting in the cab was leaning against Sherlock's shoulder. He smiled a little, then shifted to drape his arm over your shoulders. You sighed contentedly and snuggled into him.

Sherlock glanced down at you sleeping on his shoulder. He smiled warmly. He had never experienced this before, but he rather liked it. He was glad that you trusted him enough to fall asleep on him.

Before you knew it, someone was gently shaking your shoulder.
"(F/N). You gotta get up." They whispered. You could hear a smile in their voice. You opened your eyes ever so slightly and saw the blurry form of Sherlock leaning over you. He jostled your shoulder again.
"C'mon (N/N), we're back at the flat. You gotta get up now."
You muttered something about the Major and blackmail.
He chuckled. "Don't worry, we'll deal with that tomorrow."
You forced yourself out of the strangely comfortable backseat of the cab. Your eyes were half closed and you stumbled on something, perhaps your own feet, and would've fallen on the damp pavement had Sherlock not been there. Instead you fell onto his chest, and blushed immediately. You didn't raise your head for fear he would see.
You felt more than heard him chuckle as he righted you.
"Sorry." You mumbled.
"It's fine." He smiled a little. His hand still on your shoulder, he paid the cabbie then did his best to support you. "Come on, let's get you to bed."
He unlocked the front door, then helped you to the door of flat C. You fumbled with your keys for a moment, until he gently took them from your hands and unlocked your flat.
"Thanks." You mumbled.
He nodded then ushered you through the door. You collapsed onto your sofa.
"Goodnight (F/N)." Sherlock said, then headed back through the door.
"Sherlock, wait."
You could only blame your exhaustion for what happened next.
He turned with question on his face.
You struggled up off the sofa, teetering a bit.
Sherlock's hands went to your shoulders to steady you, while at the same time you instinctively put your hands out in front of you to break your fall. This left you in the awkward position of your hands on his chest and his on your shoulders. You both laughed awkwardly, dropping your hands.
"What-what did you need?" Sherlock asked, uncharacteristically nervous. He looked up.
It was now or never.
You leaned in a bit and kissed him. You felt him stiffen a little, but he soon relaxed, his hand automatically going to the back of your neck.
It didn't last very long, but had quite the effect on both of you.
You smiled at him, and he almost smiled back, but you could see the mixed emotions in his eyes. When he spoke, it was only one word.
You almost laughed. "Why, Sherlock? Because I like you, that's why."
"I-I like you too. I didn't think anybody liked me though." His eyes were downcast.
You smiled again and ruffled his curls affectionately. "Oh Sherl... It takes a special kind of person to love you, but fortunately for you, three of them live right here in this building."
This time he smiled back, then wrapped his arms around you in a hug, kissing the top of your head.
"Goodnight (F/N)." 
Screw no sentiment.
You smiled back at him when he released you. "Goodnight Sherlock."
He left your flat and you collapsed onto the sofa for the second time that night.

Sherlock barely made it up the stairs. His mind was racing, and not in its usual organised fashion.
This would need further examination.

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