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It was already half past four. I didn't want to wake you, but I knew that you deserved to be a part of this just as much as I did. I'd been wandering around the flat since this morning, doing nothing.

I pushed the door to my room open gently and stood by the bed. You were sleeping peacefully, and for once, there was complete calm on your face, all the stress that usually transformed your features gone. I hated to disturb you and bring back all the anxiety that plagued you during waking hours. I watched you for another long moment, then laid my hand on your shoulder and shook it gently. Your eyes shot open and your body tensed, then relaxed when you saw me standing above you.
"Hey." You said, softly. "Time to go?"
I nodded. "Soon. Are you feeling any better?"
You sighed, then nodded. "A little."
"I'm going to go talk to Greg and see about backup. You can stay and wake up a little if you want."
"Yeah, I'll stay- try not to fall asleep again." You smiled softly.
I smiled back and kissed your forehead. "I'll be back in a bit."


"Greg, I need backup." I swallowed my pride. "Please."
He smirked at me. "You need ba-"
"Yes, Greg. I learned my lesson from Sebastian. There's at least two of them and we don't have much time." The urgency in my voice snapped him into action.
"Right. I'll send my best officers."
I started to leave but turned back. "Plain clothes, please. Thank you."
"Yeah?" I turned back once again.
"Are you willing to ride in the cruiser?" He added quickly; "It'll be much faster."
I screwed up my face but nodded. "Have it at Baker Street in no more than 15 minutes. If I'm lucky, John and (F/N) will come too."

I climbed the stairs to my flat and immediately ran into John, rushing out the door.
He turned. "What?"
"I'd really like you to join me this time. There's at least two murderers and three hostages. I'd like as much backup as possible."
He looked dubious but finally his features softened. "Why do you have to look so desperate?" He asked.
"Because the last time I lacked the humility to ask for help, I got shot. I have learned, John."
He smiled a little. "Good for you. When are we leaving?"
"As soon as I recruit (F/N). Is she still in there?"
He shook his head. "No, she's back in her flat. And our means of transport?"
"The squad car will be waiting outside in a few minutes." I saw him smirk but turned away and headed down the stairs before he could say anything. "Humility." I called, without looking back. "It can change one's life decisions." Now it was my turn to smirk.
I knocked on your door rather fervently, then went in when I heard you call.
"(F/N), I need as much backup at River Lea as I can possibly recruit. I've already got John and several officers. You coming?"
You nodded briefly, steeling yourself.
I realised I'd been insensitive. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound expectant." I said, quietly.
You shook your head. "No, it's okay. It's not your fault. I'll be ready in a moment."
"Thank you!" I glanced out the window. "Squad car is waiting."


I had never before been so antsy waiting to arrive at my destination. You were sitting beside me, at least as much anxiety on your face.
"We're going to get them, (F/N)." I spoke with more confidence than I had.

Your POV:

You were nervous. More nervous than you'd ever been.
What if we didn't make it in time?
What if they died anyway?
You tried to ignore the disquieting thoughts that were swirling around in your mind like a whirlpool- always moving, getting steadily faster, and ready to drown you.
You looked at Sherlock and saw the determined, phlegmatic expression he wore. The lack of emotion worried you slightly- you had already learned the hard way about how that could ruin everything.
You reached out your hand and he took it without delay.
It would be okay. He was only steeling himself for the task ahead.
You squeezed his hand and he allowed a quick, reassuring smile in your direction.

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