XXIX • 29

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The ride to Bart's was not a long one, and you got out as soon as the car stopped.
Sherlock followed, then spoke up, which in hindsight was likely not the best idea.
You cut him off, whipping around to face him. "Again Sherlock? John told me you were over this!"
You looked truly hurt. "I thought-" you took a deep breath, "I thought you were doing good. You haven't even smoked in weeks, and now this."
"(F/N), I-"
"No, Sherlock. Just, no." You slapped his face. Hard. His head flew to the side and before he could recover you slapped him again.
He didn't resist, didn't try to stop you, didn't do anything in his own defense. He let you hit him again and again until you couldn't anymore. Tears were streaming down your face by the time you stopped, as though each blow hurt you more than he. Your rage spent, the sorrow and hurt now took over, and you couldn't stand to look at him anymore.
"I thought you were better than this." You started to turn away, but his hand closed around your arm. Not roughly, but in a kind way.
"(F/N), I'm clean. I never took anything." He looked at you earnestly. "I needed the cover. I needed people to think that I was using again. Moriarty is set on destroying my reputation. I need people to think that I am the man he's making me out to be. It's all just part of the game, see? If I need to allow my name to be dragged through the dirt to stop him, then so be it." He had cupped your face in his hands and wiped your tears away with his thumb. "Do you understand?"
"You- you're clean?"
"Yes. (F/N), I am better than that," he faltered, looking down for just a split second, "I am now." He looked at you, his eyes seeking approval.
"Sherlock.. " You looked him in the eye for the first time. They were so bright and earnest, you knew he was telling the truth.
"(F/N), whatever he does to me, whatever he makes me out to be, I want you to know that I, this me, I still love you. I will always love you." He still held your face in his hands, and he tilted your chin up slightly and kissed you.
Only one thought crossed your mind as he did.
He's learned.
When he pulled away, he still looked at you with concern and question in his eyes.
You put a hand on the back of his head, your fingers in his curls, pulling him into a hug. Your other hand was flat between his shoulder blades, keeping him close as you buried your face in his neck, enjoying the warmth of his skin.
He wrapped his arms around you as well, nearly lifting you off the ground. In fact, you think he actually did lift you a few inches.
"I love you." He whispered once again, his mouth not far from your ear.
You smiled into his neck.
Kenzie observed all of this from the backseat of the cab. She had hoped you would make up with him, but this was a whole lot more than she had expected. He must've said something really nice.
She got out and sidled up to the two of you. "What's going on?" She asked, timidly.
Sherlock had since set you down, not having even realised that he'd lifted you, and now your head was on his chest, his chin in your hair.
"I never took anything." He responded, partially as a reassurance to you, partially as a reply to Kenzie.
"Oh my God." Kenzie whispered.
"(F/N), can I talk to you a minute?"
You lifted your head and unwrapped your arms from around Sherlock.
Kenzie brought you over to the building, out of Sherlock's earshot.
"(F/N), you believe him? He was missing for a day and a half, then found in a drug den looking like that." She gestured toward him, still standing there, having realised that you wanted privacy.
"Yes, I believe him. You didn't see his eyes. You didn't hear his explanation. It makes sense, Kenz. And he's not one to lie like that."
She looked at you with something like pity in her eyes. "At least get him tested. Please?"
"Okay, fine. But you're gonna have to go tell him, because he knows I believe him."
She marched over to him. "Inside. You're getting tested."
He'd expected as much. He honestly hadn't expected you to believe him, but he had nothing to hide.
"Okay." He responded, quietly. He followed her inside, taking your hand as he passed you. He gave you a small smile, as if to say, 'Don't worry, I'm telling the truth.'

He subjected himself to as many tests as could be thought up, and each one came up clean. Only once was there traces of a drug, but you were immediately assured that it was too small an amount to have been administered purposely, that it was likely just from being there and inhaling the air in the drug den.
When all the results turned out clean, Sherlock slid off the table in the examination room where he had been sitting, and the three of you left the hospital, an air of peace between you now.
"Thank you." Kenzie whispered to Sherlock.
He nodded, but didn't say anything.

The cab ride back to Baker street was short and sweet, and this time you sat as close to Sherlock as you could.
As soon as the cab stopped, you jumped out and unlocked the door, Sherlock and Kenzie following.
He stopped you by your flat and took your hand.
"I'm going to go and get cleaned up, but then I have some work at Bart's, okay?"
You nodded, slightly confused, but didn't say anything.
He never told you when he had to go to the hospital to work in the lab. Was that the work he was talking about?

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