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You'd fallen asleep on John's shoulder and it was just past midnight when you woke to the voice of a doctor.
"Surgery was successful and the patient is stable. He's sleeping and he needs the rest, but you may go sit with him now."
You had never heard anything better in your life.
John stood and shook the doctor's hand, smiling. "Thank you, sir."
Tim did the same. "We can't thank you enough."
The doctor led the four of you down the hall to Sherlock's room. You'd never been happier to see him. You wanted to run in and hug him, kiss him, but you knew that what the doctor had said was true- he did need the sleep.
You entered quietly and smiled. He was always cute when he was sleeping, even attached to machines and covered in bandages.
You couldn't even name everything that was being pumped into his veins, but you saw that he was clean, no longer bleeding, and that his heart rate was stable. That was good enough for you.
You moved a chair up quietly and sat down, watching him.
His breathing matched the steady beep of the machines he was hooked up to and it didn't take long for you to fall asleep again, despite wanting to see him awake.

Sherlock's POV:

That was the only thing I could think of when I woke.
First hazy, then just
So much pain. Everything hurt. It wasn't the same kind of pain as before. It wasn't the sharp direct pain that I'd felt while she'd stabbed me. It was just throbbing. Everywhere.
I sighed, then regretted it. I glanced at the clock.
2:03 am.
I looked around and saw people in the room, but I couldn't make out who. It was all so blurry. I felt a heavy pressure on my chest, then someone materialised above me. I still couldn't see their face clearly, despite the fact that they were so close. They shoved me from the side, causing the pain in my back to return full force.
"I'm not going to kill you, but you're going to die." It seemed to come from nowhere, but I recognised his voice immediately.
The moment I placed the voice, his face came into full focus, grinning maniacally.
I shook my head. He was gone, dead, I knew that. I knew my brain was just playing tricks on me.
Now I felt a ring of cold steel pressed against my stomach, more pain shooting through me.
This time the voice was Sebastian's.
"I just wanted to kill you. Now I can."
I saw him leaning over me, the gun pressed into my abdomen. The pain was nearly unbearable.
He was gone. Locked up, in for life. I knew this too, but I couldn't make him go away.
Next, I felt the all too familiar cool of the knife pressed against my throat.
"I will end you."
Your mother's face came into focus. Now I saw all three of them, Sebastian and Mary with gun and knife respectively, but Jim had no weapon. That still didn't fool me. I knew he didn't need a weapon. His weapon was his mind and his ability to manipulate and blackmail his victims. He smiled at me, as though he was glad that I'd figured him out.
"I know what you're trying to do to me." I was finally able to speak. "I know you're all trying to haunt me, get to me. I know you're trying to inflict more pain. But I survived you. I beat you. I won." I said, clenching my jaw.
There was a final rush of pain, then they all evaporated.
"I won." I repeated.
I opened my eyes and blinked several times.
I looked at the clock again.
I saw you sitting in the chair next to my bed, John on the bench behind you. Two more people were sitting further from me and I strained to make them out through my sleep filled eyes.
My parents. I smiled. My parents had come. I knew I was in for a scolding from mum, but I was glad to see them anyway.
My eyes felt heavy, but I was longing to talk to at least one of the people in the room. Especially you. I could reach out and touch you from where I was lying, but I didn't want to wake you.
In the morning, I assured myself. I'd talk to you all in the morning.
I was just about to lay my head back down and close my eyes when I heard you moving. I looked back over.
"Hey." I whispered, putting my hand out a little.
"Hey hon." You smiled sleepily, taking my hand. "I just needed to get more comfortable. I didn't wake you did I?"
I shook my head. "No. I was wondering the same thing, actually. I, uh, had a dream. That's what woke me up."
You looked slightly concerned. "A bad dream?" You asked.
"Kind of. But it ended good." I explained.
"Well that's good at least. How do you feel?"
"Like I got stabbed." I answered, smiling a little.
You smiled back. "At least you're honest."
I smiled again, then felt my eyes getting heavy.
"I'm gonna let you go back to sleep now, Sherl. Goodnight." You said.
"Wait a minute." I said, then did my best to scoot up, sitting the bed up a little with the remote.
"Yeah?" You asked.
You stood up and took my hand again. "Now lean down and say goodnight for real." I instructed, the side of my mouth lifting in a half smile.
"Still cheeky." You replied, then leaned down and kissed me.
"Thank you." I said, my eyes closing again.
"Goodnight, Sherlock." You said, a smile in your voice.
I think I  replied, but I couldn't remember. I fell asleep almost immediately.


When I woke next it was to murmured voices around me. It felt as though a black hand was wrapped around me, pulling me back, and I struggled to open my eyes. When I managed, everything was blurry and I blinked several times before I could make out anyone.
I glanced at the clock again. Nearly 8.
I sighed and sat the bed up a bit.
"You're awake!"
This was my mum and I smiled at her. "Hi mum." I replied, quietly.
"Sherlock Holmes, what in the world were you thinking?"
My smile widened. I knew she'd do this. At least she hadn't called me by my full name.
"You could've been killed. You almost died!" She took my face in her hands and kissed my forehead as she scolded me.
"I know. I'm sorry." I sighed. "My job has its perks and it's pitfalls. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about being shot sooner, too." I glanced at you briefly and saw that you were grinning.
My mother was the only one I had to answer to and I got in trouble if I didn't.
My father stood behind her, smiling a little. I looked over at him and smiled back. He'd never been talkative and I certainly wasn't going to make him now.
John was next. "God, Sherlock, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there."
"No John, I'm glad you weren't." I said. "I wouldn't have wanted you in danger too."
I sighed again and laid my head back, took a deep breath.
I must've looked exhausted because mum got up and headed for the door. "Come on, let him get his rest." Dad and John followed and you were about to get up when I stopped you.
"Thank you, but (F/N), can I talk to you a minute?" You nodded and stood by my bed.
"I like your mother." You said with a warm smile after the others had filed out.
I rolled my eyes but grinned. "Can you say overprotective?" I asked.
"Oh, trust me, I know. I've got John, remember?" You smiled again.
"That's right," I sat the bed up a little more. "He is a bit protective, isn't he?" "He is. But Sherlock, your mum was right. You do need rest. Was there something specific you wanted to say?" You queried.
"Yeah. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" You asked, looking genuinely confused.
"Last night, I tried to stay awake, I really did. I couldn't stand the idea of her hurting you too. I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess." I sighed, and took your hand.
You smiled. "Sherlock, you're fine. You lasted a whole lot longer than I could have, I'll tell you that. She didn't hurt me, I promise. She helped me, actually." You squeezed my hand. "And how many times do I have to tell you, I choose to join you. You never drag me into your messes."
"But your life has been nothing but chaos since you met me. Don't you ever wish you hadn't?"
You shook your head. "No, I don't. I can't imagine what it would be like if I'd never met you. It's organised chaos, Sherlock." You smiled and kissed me lightly. "And I like it."

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