LXXX • 80

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A/N: Phewww! Thank you all for sticking with me this long!! I hope to continue this plot line for several more chapters at least, so I applaud your endurance!


The Children's Home was a large brick house that looked very much like an average family home, without factoring in the size. There was a large tree out front and the wooden fence, painted a chocolate brown, was lined with a well trimmed hedge. There was a metal stairway against the right wall and a small sheltered porch. Under this you stood, as you waited for the firm knock you had just delivered to be answered. A stout older lady opened the door, a worried frown creasing her face. A young boy stood by her side, tugging on her apron. "Not now, William." She said to the boy, then looked back up to you. "Can I help you?"
You stared at the boy, at his dark curls and his innocent expression.
"Ma'am?" The lady inquired again, putting her arm around the boy protectively.
You shook yourself out of your trance and smiled at her. "Yes, I'm here by request of a private detective, to investigate the abductions."
It was only a white lie.
She opened the door wider, ushering you in. Her frown deepened and she wrung her hands in worry.
They've gotten us all worked up and stressed out. It's such a terrible thing... how could anyone hurt my kids?" She looked on the verge of tears.

Sherlock's POV; Earlier:

John had gone to talk to you, without success I knew. I couldn't deny the fact that your words and actions had hurt me, but you meant so much to me. I had to try again. I went back down to your flat and knocked on the door, still unsure as to what I'd say.
No answer.
I knocked again.
Still no answer.
I risked opening the door slightly.
You weren't there.
Immediately, the worst case scenario came to mind and I felt panicked.
You'd probably just gone on a walk to clear your head.
But no, I couldn't risk it.
I grabbed my coat and scarf and scrambled to the kerb. I had just enough time to notice a figure with a camera darting away before a cab pulled up. I got in hurriedly. "Creswick Road Children's Home." I said. "Hurry!"

The home wasn't terribly far from Baker Street, and I jumped out of the cab just as quickly as I'd gotten in, stopping only to pay the driver.
I pounded on the door, my worry getting the better of me.
We'd come to the logical conclusion that the murderer lived and or worked in this building and you'd come here alone?
A wiry man with an apron on opened the door. I saw the egg flip in his hand and immediately became wary.
"Can I help you?" He asked, his accent distinctly American.
"Uh, yes. Uhm, did a young woman come by recently?"
He looked slightly suspicious but glanced over his shoulder and then looked back at me. "Yeah, she's here now."
I could barely contain my sigh of relief. "Thank you, I've been looking everywhere for her! Can I come in, please?"
He looked at me strangely but let me in. You were talking to an older lady when I walked in, and you looked up. I saw the surprise in your eyes but you managed a thin smile. "Ah! Here's my employer now."
I visibly winced. Employer?
I joined you and you picked up your conversation where it hung, but not before giving me a death glare.
"So there was no warning or trigger of any sort?"
"None. It was entirely random. When Zach disappeared, I honestly thought he'd run away- why I have no idea. But then when Phoebe disappeared too I called the authorities." She sniffed. "They haven't stopped him yet."
I was immediately suspicious of this lady. She was laying it on too thick. She intermittently dabbed at bone dry eyes and her body language was all wrong.
"Thank your for your time, Mrs. Connor." You smiled at her.
"We're doing our utmost, we'll get back to you as soon as possible." I too smiled and nodded.
Acting wasn't something I had difficulty with.

You fairly dragged me out of the building.
"What the heck were you doing?" You snapped.
I felt anger- something I'd never felt toward you before- rising inside of me, but I did my best to keep myself at bay. "(F/N), I made a vow to save those girls. This place is my only lead, why wouldn't I come?"
"No." You shook your head. "You only came because you were afraid for me. I don't need your help, Sherlock. I don't need you."
This accusation was like a slap to the face and my anger boiled over before I could stop it.
"It's my case, (F/N)! I thought we could work together like we always do, but you obviously want me back to default, so I want you to go home and leave this to me!" I saw my own breath coming out in rapid clouds of steam in the chilly air. I'd never yelled at you before, but the defiant expression on your face only kept me going. "You want me without heart? Well then this is my head talking. Go away."

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