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"Let me tell you a story." Betnay said and everyone gathered around her on the floor.

"6 years ago, a girl named Amelia Gibson used to study here. She was a silent and shy girl, she did not even have that many friends. No one talked to her and she seemed really sadistic. One unexpected day she got mental. She threw her desk away and her voice became heavy. She started snatching her own hair and would scream. She kept saying words like,

'She is hear to get me ! She is here !'

We never knew who it was but she kept screaming. She was acting absurd. Later on we were told that she was under the curse of a jinn. Everybody got scared and broke all kind of connections  with her. Nobody would talk to her or go near her. She undergoed depression and one day she went into an abandoned class and hung herself from the fan." Henley finished her story. Everybody was looking at her with fear in their eyes, this was a true story which had taken place in their very own school

"Whoa!  That was one nasty story." Fizzy exclaimed.

"But that is not it, the class she killed herself in is rumored to be haunted. People say they hear voices from that classroom. Nobody comes to that part of the school due to these reasons." Bethany added.

"Wh-which class is it ?" Liza stuttered. She was biting her nails, fear, clear as day in her eyes.

"This class. The one we are locked in." Bethany sighed looking down. Eva was the one who lost her shit. She slapped her hand on Henley's mouth trying to shut her down. Eva got scared easily, she would believe even the slightest of lies.

"Sh-shut up. Okay ?" Eva shouted, "this is not true. It is all a lie. You are trying to scare us." She stood up, breathless.

"Oh yeah ? Then why the fuck are we locked up in an abandoned classroom ?" Bethany said standing up and screaming in Eva's face. As soon as she finished the lights started to fluctuate but after a while they went off. It was strangely dark and cold all of a sudden

"It is dark." Liza screamed, reaching out hands to find someone to talk to.

"Help. Where are you guys ?" Katy screamed, they could not even see each others faces, it was like pitch black. Soon the light came back and everyone let out a breath of relief. But there was something wrong. Everyone turned their eyes towards the board on which was written with white chalk :

Ghost here. Don't come here.

Everyone turned their attention towards the board and went into panic. Screaming and shouting and crying. "Who the hell wrote that ?" Fizzy asked infatuated with anger.

"Is this some kind of sick joke or a prank that one of you is playing on us. If you are, the this is not at all funny." Emma said throwing her hands up in the air.

"None of us wrote it." Ashley added with a gulp and a hint of whisper in her voice. Henley let out a weird chuckle. "This is crazy. We get locked up in an abandoned classroom and the lights go off. Now none of you wrote that hell on the blackboard. One thing is for sure. We are going to die today." Bethany started laughing like a maniac as if she had lost her mind and Eva slapped her hard, across the face.

"I told you to shut up." Eva snarled, her eyes piercing into hers as she tackled her down, she was on top of her strangling her by her throat.

"Stop fighting. We need to get us out of here." Katy spoke up.

"And how is that ?" Sia asked.

"We- we uhh...jump out of the window ?" Katy managed to say which came out more like a question. Everyone looked at her with confusion written all over their faces. Katy definitely was crazy. Hell they would be punished by the school for breaking the window and nobody would believe a word they say. Plus, the window was made of strong glass, they could have an explosion here and not a single dent would be caused on the window. Everyone threw themselves back on the floor in surrender as each of them stared at the dust covered wall.

"What time is it ?" Ashley asked.

"It is...." Emma looked at her watch and then had worry written all over her face, "five p.m."

"What ? What do we do now ? Our school bus would have gone without us." Fizzy screamed and started crying.

"And I am also hungry as hell." Liza cried burying her head in her knees. Katy took out her lunchbox from her bag pack and gave it to Liza. It was a half eaten sandwich.

"Share." Fizzy whispered as she wiped a tear from her eye. Liza nodded and halved the sandwich and handed it to Fizzy. Everyone was hungry but the spirit of sacrifice was in them so only the three of them divided the half eaten sandwich into three and started nibbling on it.

"We will never get a chance to graduate now. No more parties, no more seeing relatives, no one having conversations with our relatives, no more showers and most of all we wont be able to see our family." Bethany cried as she laid on the floor.

"I know, today mom had promised me that she would make chocolate chip cookies for me when I will reach home. I know she might me worried and would save the cookies until I come back home. I already miss her." Emma sniffed looking out of the window as tears rolled down her eyes.

"Guess what ? Today I had a fight with my brother in the morning. I slapped him and he cried. He told me that he hated me and he wished I never came back home. I told him that his wish will be granted and I would not come back home. He must be crying right now, praying to God that he needs his only sister back. I just want to go home and apologize for my rude behavior." Ashley buried her head in her knees as soft sobs could be heard.

"We are fucked up." Eva snorted as she shook her head playing with the lace of her uniform.

"I miss you mom. I love you." Emma whispered to herself. Sashaa got up and went to hug her followed by Fizzy. Soon all of the girls were embraced in a group hug.

The lights went off again. It was getting dark outside. The slightest ray of sun could not be seen. The only voice that was heard was the ticking of the clock. This time a weird laugh was heard. It was not an ordinary laugh, none of them belonged to any of the girls. It was a silvery misty laugh and a cold wind embraced the room in the darkness of the night.

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