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Eva's POV

I was really scared. Anything could happen. We are not murderers. We are servants of God and disobeying Him will lead us to hell. If we kill someone innocent...we might aswell end up in hell.

Why would someone want us to kill an innocent person ? That person with a scar might have a family who will be waiting at home for him. The  time was passing by and the door was not just opening yet.

"What do we do now ?" I asked.

"Dear unseen, please help us. We want to help you get your revenge. It is not going to work if the door would not open." Emma snarled looking up in the sky.

Try it my child. Use your brain. Use the clues.

"The clues ?" Emma looked at me with a shocked expression and I shrugged my shoulders. I went over to the board and started reading. I was really confused and the clock was ticking. It hurt my head. It took me a while to have ny brain process.

"Knife !" I snapped up and Emma looked at me with a surprised look on her face. She took a look at the knife in her hand and I motioned her towards the door.

"Are you crazy ? How are we supposed to break the door with a knife ? I bet this thing could not even cut an apple." Emma angrily started.

"Nothing bad in giving it a try." I said. I was too scared to do it myself. Breaking doors, holding knives was out of my dictionary. She silently stood there looking at the knife and the wind blew. There was enough light for us to see each others faces.

Tsk tsk tsk. You have only 12 minutes left. The time is walking with you.

I almost choked on my saliva and slapped Emma's back and she stabbed the door. A galaxy built up around the knife and the door melted like thermal sheet right infront of our eyes. We stood there shocked than ever. The kinfe started spinning and flew back to her hand and almost sliced her finger. She winced in pain but realised that we had absolutely no time.

We jumped into the galaxy and the world around us stopped. The galaxy was almost never-ending and there was glitter all around the palette of purple, pink, blue and gray sky. It felt like heaven while we were walking on the galaxy. There was no floor or  I could say there was an invisible surface. We kept on walking for a few seconds till the voice once again appeared

7 minutes left.

"7 minutes !? Holy crap." I screamed and we started running. Another galaxy kind of black hole opened in the middle of nowehere and we gathered all of our strength and jumped in. We landed in a forest. It was barren and it was midnight.

The forest or swamp it was called seemed very dead. There was wet nud underneath our feet and dead old trees everywhere. The sky could not be seen because of those trees. I gulped.

"Where do we find that man ?" I asked Emma and she bluntly shrugged. What was that  supposed to mean ? We had to find the man with scar and kill him. Suddenly a voice in my head spoke,

Use your imagination.

"Imagination ? What do you mean ?" I almost whispered in my heart to make sure the person speaking in my head could hear it.

Imagine the person you hate the most.

"The person I hate the most ? Ummm.... i think that would be my Relegious Studies teacher. I hate her, she made my life at school crap and only if I could kill her and sn-

Say no more child. Look behind you.

I turned behind saw my teacher. She stood there with her eyes closed and a huge scar on her forehead. I gulped. This could not be happening, not here, not in this condition. My breath hitched up and my throat became dry.

Isn't this what you always wanted ? Here is your chance. She would not bother you anymore.

The voice was no more speaking in my head but was loud and clear enough for even Emma to hear it. Emma looked towards the sky then back at me and then towards the teacher. I was waiting for her reaction and soon enough she showed the same reaction, paralyzed in her position.

"Miss Sarah ?" Emma choked out the words, the knife absurdly shaking in her hand and her eyes met mine, full of fear and panic. 

48 seconds, 47,46..

"Go kill her you dumb ass." I screamed at her and she looked at me with an expression as if I had lost my mind. She was breathing heavily as if she was having an asthma attack.

"She has a daughter and a family for god sake. I am NOT killing her. She is innocent." Emma cried and I looked at her and walked towards her slapping her face. I knew Emma hated Miss Sarah as much as I dead, hell she hated her more than I did but Emma was afraid of bloodshed. She would not lay a finger on her.

"Kill or get killed." I whispered. The time was running out. Emma took a deep breath and turned towards her. She rose her hand and kept it in the sky and started crying.

"I cant do it. W-we are n-not murderers Eva. God will not be happy with us." She cried dropping the knife.


"Emma do it. We also have a family waiting for us." I said and she looked back up at me with her teary face.



I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw that my teachers figure had disappeared. Maybe Emma had killed her ? Where was she. I looked down and saw her lying on the floor unconscious. Blood spots were there and it was burning her skin. It was ma'am Nasiras blood.

"Emma ! Emma ? Holy crap just wake up already." I screamed shaking her but her body just slowly started fading away. Her body was almost transparent and I could see my own hands through it.

Was she dead ?

It was not long until I had lost my best friend just because I had forced her to kill a motherfucking blood sucker. Her body was completely gone and I shut my eyes and started sobbing. It has not even been 3 days and one of our friend was already dead. Our  8 year friendship just died.

"Eva ?" I heard a voice and opened my eyes. I was back in the abandoned classroom and everyone was looking at me. I looked around to see the slightest hope of Emma around hoping it was a dream.

"Why are you crying where is Emma ?" Fizzy worriedly asked and that only made me cry more. Fizzy and Emma were the best-est friends and were always making us laugh.

"Eva where is she ?" Fizzy stormed.

"She...she d-died." I whispered covering my face and burying it into my knees.

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