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I could not believe it. I just choked my best friend. She fell on the floor and was unconscious. I gulped an looked at Katy and she had the same frightened expression on her face.

"I-is she dead ?" Katy asked me stammering a little bit. Her voice came almost in a whisper. I got scared and so I bent down to check her pulse. I had my fingers crossed and kept my two fingers upside down on her neck.

No pulse

I pressed my fingers deeper into it, I could not kill someone, not just someone but my own best friend I had known since childhood. I pressed even harder and then slapped her chest hard. Soon a pulse was felt but she was still unconscious. I sighed and looked at Katy and smiled to show her a sign.

"What do we do now ?" Katy asked and I was confused as hell. I started screaming loudly so that the others could follow our voice and find us. We waited for a long time but no one ever came. I sat on the floor and crossed my legs and kept my face in my hands. Katy followed me and did the same. We had already lost Emma. We could not loose another one as well.

"Why was she acting like that ?" Katy asked curiously. That drifted me into deep thought. I was wondering the same thing.


It was getting pretty spooky with every step I took. My heart was beating loudly and each step got heavier. My heart was cautious. I was afraid that something might catch me off guard and I would be scared to death. I was right, not soon enough I heard screaming. Deathly, war piercing shrieks but I could not figure out whom it was. I was really scared and I just stood there like a statue with my eyes closed so I could focus more on my hearing sense. It was coming from a far away distance and sure enough it belonged to non other than Sia.

Was she in trouble ?

I started moving my feet following where the voice was coming from but it felt like I was going the opposite way. The screams seemed to have been coming from several different directions all at the same time. I got confused and tired, breathless and fell on the floor. It was hopeless. I just laid down sweating and closed my eyes.


Cold air engulfed me and chills ran down my spine. My eyes flew open and I hysterically looked around trying to indicate that silvery voice. But there was no one, however the wind was still cold and atmosphere was freezing me.

I sat straight up and waited for the voice to come again and soon enough it was there.

Fizzy my dear, you look cold to death

Dark sparkles flew around and a faint figure started to form and soon enough the figure stood in front of me. It was non other than Myldia or Emma.

"Wh-what do you want ?" I asked in a surrendering tone. Myldia flew and sat next to me on the floor and brought her lips near my ear.

Do you want to go home ?

Home !? That word felt foreign to me now. I had forgotten all about it. Forgotten about my parents, my brother, my sister. Flashbacks started erupting and it seemed weird because it felt like I just got my memory back after a long attack of amnesia.

"Home ?" I whispered and looked at her. Myldia smiled sweetly and nodded. I gulped.

Yes. Home. If you want to go back there I can help you.

"Yes please. I do wanna go home." I whimpered and Myldia successfully smiled to herself. She kept her cold finger on my cheek and I whimpered even more. It burnt.

Do me a favor and kill one of your friend. Once one of them is dead I will send you home.

That idea brought chills to me. Killing my friend just for the sake of going home. How would I be able to live. The guilt of killing someone will haunt me till I die. Even if I kill someone, I would be labelled as selfish. The girl who killed her best friend for her own sake.

"And what if I dont ?" I asked.

Then one of them will kill you.

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