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A new mission. That was it ? After all that she had done ? She wanted us to dig a new hole to die in ? Everyone was bewildered. What could be the next mission. Myldia and  Ashley stood there looking at the panicked stricken faces of the girls with amusement.

"I bribed Myldia to let you guys go, because after all, I am a good friend." Ashley said, with a demonic smirk and flinging her hair back her shoulder.

"Let us go ?" Fizzy said, almost half bare whisper, but there was hope in her heart. Hope, that she would finally let her go, finally back to her family. Wait - family ? What family ? Myldia had made her kill her own mother. What was all that she had left ?

"I am pretty much sure, you don't like rotting away in this ugly, abandoned classroom, so Myldia and I decided to shift you away." Ashley explained. Okay, so what did shift mean now ? If Myldia and Ashley had decided something, it could not be something good, it might be evil. And by the way she said shift, the smirky attitude in her tone, something definitely was no right.

"Where ? and what is the mission ?" Sashaa asked.

"I will tell you." Myldia spoke up and flung her hands, a purple glittery dust glowing and floating around her hands and with her powers, a hole opened up in the middle of the floor. The whole was big enough and was black. It seemed to look like the black hole, the black was spinning around it causing a great amount of wind in the room.

"Wh-what is this ?" Eva asked, her voice barely audible.

"Jump into it." Myldia ordered.


Before Eva could finish her sentence, all of the girls were pushed into the hole. There was a long series, they were falling. Just falling and nothing else was happening, everything was black around them. Nobody had a single clue of where they could end, not even Ashley. After a long while everyone fell with a loud thud on the floor and drifted off into a deep sleep. they had fallen unconscious.

After an hour or so, Sia was the first one to wake up. Being completely clueless she looked around and undergoed panic. She was scared, scared to be in a different place, scared to be in a dark place, scared to see her friends lifeless all around her on the floor. She quickly got up, breathing and heart rate was uneven, dusted off her clothes and lunged forward to a shiny piece of broken glass. She took it in her hands and took a brief look at it. There was nothing, just a simple broken piece of broken glass, the moment she touched it, letters started forming on the glass on its own. The letters read,

Finally now that you are awake, you can see your new mission. You are in an abandoned school, the place is far away from your original school and city. You are in the city of ghosts. You will soon realize your mission. I want all of you dead and this mission will be completed by non other than your own selves.

Sia got scared, hell she should have known what Myldia's intentions were. She wanted all of us dead and she wasnt us killing each other. This meant we would end up killing each other for our survival ? Eva and Bethany were already engraved in a battle, hatred. Hatred. That was it. Our hatred and enmity for each other was the strength and power of Myldia. Sia had to stop this hatred before something nasty happens. She walked over to Eva, Katy, Liza and soon slowly, woke all of them up.

"Listen carefully to me, do not speak a word until I tell you too." Sia said and everyone else nodded. She showed them the broken piece of glass but the letters were gone, heck even it had stopped glowing. She had no proof.

"What is that ?" Sashaa asked.

"We are all going to die. We will become blood thirsty of each other and end up killing each other." Sia said in an outburst. Everyone was confused and moreover utterly shocked. Imagine killing your best friends with your own hands, at the ripe age of 15.

"What do you mean ?" Bethany said staring at Sia in disbelief.

"I mean what I said." Sia said, tears streaming down her round cheeks, she held the piece of mirror in front of her and started speaking, "when I woke up, I saw this mirror glowing from a distant. I went forward and picked it up. It was empty but glowing. The moment I touched it, letters started to appear on this mirror. It must be Myldia. It said it is our mission and she wants us dead. She said she would trick us into killing each other."

Sia spilled it out all in one breath and now she was violently shaking and bitterly crying. Liza got up and wrapped her arm around her to calm her down while everyone sat there, faces pale, skin cold.

"So this is the end now is it ?" Eva laughed uncomfortably.

"I told you this because I want us to stick together. Please do not fight with each other. Our hatred for each other is the only thing that is making Myldia strong. We are right now in the city of ghosts and this school is abandoned." Sia explained.

"Which means, we have to find a way out of here, alive." Katy said hissing her last word. 

"We are not like Ashley. Please lets just promise to trust each other. That is the least we can do right now." Sia said and all the girls engulfed into a warm hug. It was so comfortable that for a while there were only comforting words, smile and hope.



This is the part from where the 'HORROR SCHOOL' starts.

I am sorry once again. I have my exams and right now I am in my moms office so I quickly updated the story because she is about to come and I am not supposed to use her computer or my phone. Please give me your ideas and suggestions about the story. Also thanks a lot for your wishes. I love you.

Give me ideas, please.

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