Chapter 29- Will Power

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Catalina lay alone in bed, in her room in the Woodland Realm. It felt so familiar, the window offering a warm glow from the evening sun, and the shear curtains blowing softly in the breeze. She was alone for once, no maid or king or prince sat waiting for her; It almost relieved her.

But her moment of silence was cut short when Iellwen entered the room, carrying bandages and medicine.

"Oh, you're awake. Good," she helped Catalina sit up and remove her shirt, and the maid rewrapped the wounds. "What a strange place to strike. Why did the soldier cut your back?"

Catalina winced at the burning medicine inside her blood.

"There must have been something there?"

Catalina did not reply.

"Would you be so inclined as to tell me what was there?"

She would find out sooner or later, Catalina thought. "I had wings there. Wings like a butterfly."

"Oh, what a shame they were cut off. I wish I could have seen them."

Catalina was surprised at Iellwen's remark. She thought the maid would have shown great surprise, even fear, yet she did nothing of the sort. "You're not surprised?"

"No my dear you seemed like the type. Are you part Fey?"

"I don't believe so."

"Well, I hope they grow back." Iellwen replied and helped Catalina lay back down onto her side once more.

It had become a routine: five in the morning Iellwen would bandage Catalina, at six King Thranduil would come to visit, at seven Feren, Legolas, and Tauriel would come, at noon Iellwen would change the bandaging once again, then again at three, then at four Thranduil would come by to bid Catalina goodnight. It was all rather boring to her, being cooped up inside all day, but the pain of merely rolling over was excruciating, and walking was even worse. So, Catalina resolved to be good, and stay inside and heal, otherwise, Iellwen told her, she would never walk again. This seemed an exaggeration to Catalina, but it scared her enough into staying in bed.

"You're growing thin child, I need to bring you more food." Iellwen observed as she wrapped Catalina's bandages for the last time that day. Catalina's ribs were beginning to show, and her face looked slightly thinner.

"I'm alright Iellwen," Catalina blew a strand of still whitish hair from her face.

"We must do something about that hair of yours. A couple years ago I thought it was brown."

"It was; it whitened over night. Stress I think." Catalina replied and slowly sat back.

"Your stab wound is healing nicely. I believe it should be cleared up in a couple weeks, and your ankle should be alright. I'm not sure about your back though."

"Well, my back isn't broken. The wings are just gone."

"You'll live, I'm sure of it. You have more will power than any of us could ever hope to have."

Catalina smiled; will power was one of the things her mother.....Frigga had always complemented her on, and it was a quality she possessed stronger than many. She contemplated for a moment, a curious thought running to and fro inside her mind.

Will Power huh?

She sighed and lay back.

"Good evening Catalina," a chipper Legolas said as he closed the door behind him.

"'Evening Prince," Catalina replied and smiled back.

"How have you been?" He asked, placing himself in the chair next to her bed.

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