Chapter Five

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Since dinner, the Abnegation transfer has nagged at the corners of my thoughts.  I'm not sure why I can't keep her out of my mind.  She's not what I would expect coming fresh out of Abnegation, but I suppose that's why she transferred.  I can still see little hints of her upbringing-- she is quiet; her words and actions are deliberate.  I suppose it's that strange familiarity that I can't get off my mind.  Maybe it's simply that she's Andrew Prior's daughter.  He works closely with Marcus and they are good friends, though I can only assume that Andrew has no idea what a monster Marcus really  is.

I am approaching the Chasm, intending to follow the hidden trail down to the water.  It's after midnight, and I expected the area near the railing that overlooks the Chasm to be deserted, but it isn't.  There are two initiates in an intimate looking embrace.  That initiates have wandered out of the dormitory at night-- especially the first night, were they both transfers-- does not shock me.  Finding a Dauntless-born and a transfer together the first night is surprising.  But most surprising is that not only is the Dauntless-born initiate my best friend's little brother, Uriah... the transfer is the Stiff, Tris.

My stomach twists.  I don't know why it bothers me, and I push the unfamiliar pang of emotion out of my thoughts.  This girl may have looked the picture perfect daughter of Abnegation when I would pass her on the streets years ago, but it's clear that somewhere along the way, that changed.  Growing up in Abnegation, Tris should be wary of touch and a hug like the one Uriah is giving her, a hug so intimate and familiar, as if they've known each other for years, well... even had they known one another their whole lives, a hug like this would not be happening in Abnegation.  This girl is clearly not what I was expecting.  Not at all.

I push down my inexplicable disappointment, chalking it up to simple confusion at my inability to reconcile her behavior to her upbringing.  The only explanation is that somehow she and Uriah have already hit it off.  I use my 'Instructor Four' voice, as my friends call it.  "What are you two doing down here?" I call out loudly, to be sure I'm heard over the roar of the Chasm.

Both initiates visibly jump, looking at me nervously... almost guiltily but not quite.  

"Oh, uh, Four!  How's it going, man?" Uriah looks scared shitless, like he thinks I'm going to punch him.  "Uh... I think I'll be getting back to my dorm and getting to bed.  Night, Tris!"  He sprints away; I've never seen Uriah so nervous around me before, and it's weird.  Everything about this is weird.

Tris stares at me with her jaw dropped.  I keep my face blank, emotionless and intimidating.  She's just an initiate, and she needs to know that I'm her instructor, that I'm an authority.  I'm not her friend.  "I can see why you transferred, Tris," I say coldly.  "You sure don't act like you're from Abnegation.  Guess you'll fit right in here with the Dauntless boys like Uriah."

Well, I think that did it.  I could swear I see her actually shiver, and it gives me a slight sense of satisfaction.  She's still frozen, still staring at me with her mouth hanging open.  She begins to attempt an explanation that I didn't ask for and don't care to hear, apparently finally intimidated by me because she can't get the words out.  "I'm not-- we weren't--"  Does she think I'm stupid?  That wasn't a tentative hug with someone she barely knows.  Why does she expect me to care who she dates or hooks up with, anyway?

I cut her off; I just want her to get out of here so I can push her out of my mind until I have to see the initiates tomorrow.  "I don't care who you mess around with, Tris, just get your ass back to the dorm."

Her lip quivers.  She's going to have to toughen up, because I won't coddle her.  She bites her lip so hard that I'm surprised she didn't bite right through it and turns away from me, walking dejectedly away.

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