Chapter Twenty-One

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So, I have another version of this chapter, an M-rated version.  I realized while getting ready to post that, that I totally forgot to post the M-rated version for Chapter 15!  I'm putting both of them up tonight as a separate story.  If you'd like to read them, you can find it through my page.



"So, where are you taking me?"  Tris's eyes are bright and wide, filled with curiosity and excitement.  

I sit on the floor of the train car with my back to the wall, pulling her with me.  "I already told you that I'm taking you on a date," I tell her, smirking.  "And that's all you're getting out of me."

She tries to pout as she cuddles against my side, my arm around her shoulders, but the corner of her lip still twitches.  "Not even a hint at what we'll be doing?"

"Nope," I grin, popping the 'p'.  Her smile is contagious.  I must have taken her on dates before, but she is so enthusiastic, it makes me wonder.  "Tell me about our first date.  You know... before."

Tris gives me a small smile.  "Well... we only ever went on one date," she tells me.  Only one?  In all those months?  "We were too busy fighting a war."  I pull her into my lap straddling me as I nod, encouraging her to go on.  "When you finally got the chance to take me out on a date, it was after we defeated Erudite, when Evelyn had taken over the city.  We had to sneak out-- there was a curfew in place, and we also couldn't be seen together because Evelyn hated me, and you had to convince her we were through."  A knot forms in my stomach.  I get this same nervous feeling, almost like a sense of impending doom, whenever Tris mentions the state of her previous relationship with my mother.  As always, I push it aside.

"We went to that big sculpture in Erudite," she continues.  "You know, the one with the curved metal plates, the abstract one, in Millennium Park?"  I nod-- I know the one.  It's a strange sculpture, puzzling to look at, but intriguing.  "We climbed it with some food and a blanket and fizzy drinks you stole from Erudite-- which we both found to be absolutely disgusting-- and finally, for once, we just got to be a couple of teenagers in love."  Her her voice softens, and I can just barely hear her over the wind through the open train car, although her mouth is just inches from my ear.  "We didn't get enough time to do that."

I tuck a stray strand of blond hair behind her ear.  "I guess it's a good thing we're making up for it now."

Tris slowly leans closer to me, and when my gaze flicks from her lips up to her eyes, I can see that she is staring at my lips, too.  They meet slowly, gently, almost tentatively.  But when they meet, passion reignites, and the kiss deepens quickly.  I slide her jacket off her shoulders, and Tris lets out a soft moan as I kiss her jaw, then her neck, before moving lower and kissing each of the birds on her collarbone.

I really wish we weren't on a train right now, because I don't want to stop what we're doing.  Unfortunately, we have to.  "I hate to cut this short," I say, leaning my forehead against hers, "but we need to jump.

Tris gets up, pulling her jacket back on, and looks out the window.  "Here?  This isn't a date to see your mother is it?" she says with a frown.

"I'm not that  bad at this whole dating thing.  Give me a little credit."  I laugh, shaking my head.  "Come on, Tris, let's go.  You'll see when you get there," I add in response to her furrowed eyebrows.  All that curiosity and need for answers... her Erudite is showing.

We both easily land on our feet.  "I love doing that," she breathes.  I raise an eyebrow.  "Jumping on and off the trains, of course.  But I love watching you  do it even more."

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