Chapter Nine

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The next morning I feel happy and light. Climbing the ferris wheel with Tobias had been much the same as before... but even better. My heart has soared ever since the moment he said he liked to be with me. I feel like this is really going to happen- he really is going to fall in love with me again. I have been more and more discouraged each day, worrying that I had come back to be with him only to have him not want me anymore.

This morning, we are learning to throw knives. Tobias has just demonstrated and everyone has begun to throw. I remember how last time, I practiced without the knife in my hand first, so I use the same strategy once again, but not long enough for Peter to tease me again. I was always pretty good at throwing knives.

Then again, I don't want any more questions about where I learned to do this, like I received on the first day of training. I pick up my knife and aim about halfway between the center of the bullseye and the edge of the target. The knife lands right about where I aimed it and sticks in the target. I'm still the first one to hit the target at all. I notice Peter narrowing his eyes at me and I smirk at him.

I stop aiming away from the center after a few throws and hit bullseye after bullseye. I feel someone's presence behind me and my gut tells me it's not Tobias. No, it is not the man I love... it is the man whose proximity chills my blood and fills me with dread. Eric.

"Very good, Tris," he murmurs behind me. The way he hisses out the 's' at the end of my name, like a snake, makes me shiver. "You really are quite... fascinating." He is inches away and every muscle in my body is tense now. After I don't know how long, I notice that I'm holding my breath and force myself to exhale, then inhale, then exhale again. I throw another knife, and for the first time, it doesn't go where I tried to aim, but luckily it does still hit the board and stick. Eric clicks his tongue. "Do I make you nervous, Tris?"

I haven't yet answered when I am saved by Al's clumsiness. Eric has finally noticed Al's knives clattering to the floor. Most of them are first hitting the wall several feet away from his target. He's really, really bad at this.

Eric's head snaps in Al's direction and he stalks away from me. I know what is about to happen, so I feel a little guilty at the breath of relief I release as Eric walks away. I glance at Tobias. He's staring at me intently. His face shows the impassive Instructor Four mask, but I don't miss the worry in his eyes.

I wince at Eric's familiar words as he reaches Al. "How slow are you, Candor? Do you need glasses? Should I move the target closer to you?"

My stomach clenches. Conflicted though my feelings for Al may be, deep in the pit of my stomach, I know that I won't be able to watch him tremble in front of that target. As I continue throwing my knives at the target, sighing heavily and tuning out his and Eric's voices as their exchange plays out. I ignore it all... right up until I hear Eric shout, "Everyone stop!" The knives stop, and a heavy, suffocating silence settles over the room. "Clear out of the ring," Eric says and he trains his cold gaze on Al. "All except you."

"Stand in front of the target." Al obeys, his hands shaking. "Hey, Four," Eric says. "Give me a hand here."

I don't watch this time. I just train my eyes on Al and wait. "You're going to stand here as he throws these knives, until you learn not to flinch."

I close my eyes and try to talk myself out of what I'm about to do. I try. I fail. I don't need to listen to what he and Tobias are saying. I could probably recite the conversation from memory.

I wait for Tobias to prepare to throw the first knife, then I hear my own voice: "Stop it." This is so stupid. So stupid. The last thing I need is more attention from Eric. Al doesn't deserve my help. Yet... here I am, standing up for him once again.

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