Chapter Ten

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Tris POV

Today is the last day of stage one, and our final fights. I don't know who I'll be up against, but I'm not too worried; I'm pretty sure the only ones I can't beat are Edward and Peter, but even if I lose this fight, I'm in no danger of being cut. I've won all my other fights so far.

I bought some new clothes last night, remembering how I had to go back to the dormitory in only a towel on this day last time around. I hadn't forgotten to bring clothes in with me; the problem was that as I've gained muscle during training, my clothes simply didn't fit any more. So this time, I am prepared.

At least, I thought I was. What I didn't anticipate was Peter and Molly coming into the bathroom while I was showering... and running off with not only my clothes, but also my towel. Yep, that's right. My shower is just about done and it looks like I will have to walk down the hall completely and totally naked and exposed. My cheeks flush and my hands are balled into fists. I'm so angry that I scream out loud. This is just sick. Who does that?!

I shut off the water and look around hoping that someone left a dirty towel or something in this bathroom but there is nothing. The door begins to swing open and I run and hide behind it. I may not be as self-conscious as I was when I was fresh out of Abnegation, but I still don't really want to be seen without even my underwear!

The door only opens a few inches and I sigh in relief when I hear a familiar voice. "Tris? I saw Peter run off down the hall and I heard you scream. Is everything okay?" Thank heavens for Uriah!

"Uri!" I gasp in relief. "Peter and Molly stole my clothes and towel. I have nothing to cover myself with. Can you bring me something?"

Uriah calls out in the affirmative, and I hear him muttering about pansycakes as he jogs away. It feels like forever, even though I know it's just a minute, before he's back. This time he actually comes into the bathroom, standing with his back against the door, but he keeps his eyes shut, respecting that he knows I would be extremely uncomfortable. He holds out the bath towel for me and I grab it. "Thank you so much, Uriah!" I call out as I quickly wrap the towel around me. I don't hesitate now to come out of the bathroom; it's just Uriah, and no one can see anything important with the towel around me.

"Want me to beat them up?" he asks, looking completely serious and unusually angry.

I shake my head no as he walks down the hall with me with his arm protectively around my shoulder. "I need to fight my own battles, but thanks, Uri," I say with a smile, and I kiss him on the cheek, just like I would if it were Caleb helping me with something like this, before I hurry into the dormitory.

Peter is whistling and fluffing his pillow and Molly is sitting on her bed. She looks over at me with a smirk, then a scowl when she sees that I found a towel. I notice my clothes peeking out from under her bed, and march over and snatch them out quickly.

Back near my own bunk, I quickly sort through the clothes and prepare to pull on the underwear. But there that bitch is again, pulling hard at my towel.

"You look like you're twelve, Stiff," Peter cackles, and Molly snorts out her hideous laugh.

"God, you're pale," she adds.

I shrug as I pull on my clothes. I refuse to let them see me upset about this. I will not give them that satisfaction. "At least I don't look like some disgusting ogre and laugh like a horse," I say with a false sweetness in my voice as I tie the laces on my black sneakers.

Molly glares daggers at me. Guess I hit a sore spot, did I? "You scrawny little bitch!" Molly says as I stand up. She swings at me. Hasn't she learned yet that I'm the better, faster fighter? I dodge out of the way, then immediately after, I punch her in the nose. It immediately begins to gush blood; I think I broke it.

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