William x Shinigami!Reader

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Life was no fair. It had tricked and betrayed me in every way possible, so how was I expected to keep going?

I made my decision; I wasn't going to.

I had thought about it for a while now. How do I want to go? The thought lingered in my mind for a while. When I got home from school I had realized my answer.

I wrote a not for the people that found me and did the deed.

I lay on my bathroom floor in a pool of my blood. My head was light and fuzzy, but I could still see okay. A man walked towards me. He had black hair and a black suit. He had garden hedge trimmers which I found odd.

"H-- How did you get inside?" I said in between sobs.

He didn't reply. He stood in front of me silently. I wasn't particularly scared, since I had no reason to be. I was about to die anyways.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" He asks after silence, pushing up his glasses with his hedge trimmers.

"I didn't want to stay here."

"But you're still young." He said. His words were sympathetic but he had trouble showing it in his tone.

"I don't care." I said with tears streaming down my face. Strands of my (H/L), (H/C) stuck to my cheeks from the tears. My arms and legs had gone completely numb from blood loss. I got slightly tired too. I shut my eyelids. I had been waiting for this moment. To feel my eyes close for the last time, but part of me wanted to stay awake a bit longer so I could talk to this stranger.

"(Y/N) (L/N), died from suicide at 6:25pm." William says as he ticks off the name on his list.


--Some time later--

I walked through the halls of the Shinigami Dispatch. Being a grim reaper was much better than being alive. Though there were some aspects of being human that I preferred, being a shinigami was nice. Other reapers were kind and everyone had their own unique personalities. There was no shortage of uniqueness.

But one factor made being a shinigami awesome.

My boss William.

Once you get to know him you aren't offended by his indifference at all. He is a hard working man but I can tell he cares.

"Hey Will." I said, poking my head into his office. I gave him a smile.

He looked up at me, but looked back down to his paper work.

"Will, we have a job in a few minutes. It's fairly small but we should still head out early so it's done on time." I said to him.

He looked back up at me and adjusted his glasses. He probably thought something along the lines of 'I trained her well'.

"Very well, I suppose that would be the better thing to do." He said, standing up from his chair. He began to walk out and I followed closely behind.

"Will." I tried to catch his attention.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

I twiddled my thumbs in embarrassment. "Could I do something once we finish our job?"

"Very well. Do what you want." He said in his normal businesslike tone, but I could tell he was curious.

We ended up having to clean up after Ciel Phantomhive's butler again. This wouldn't be the first time.

"We better not get overtime..." Will muttered. I gave a small chuckle at him.

When we were done, William walked over to me.

"Now, what was it you wanted to do?"

"Um.. Would you mind closing your eyes?" I asked. He sighed but closed his eyes.

I put my hand on his cheek lightly and kissed him. It was soft and gentle. He kissed me back. He didn't push it, he didn't make it heated or intense. It was sweet and gentle.

Though it did go for a while.

We pulled away and I gave him a smile.

He pulled me to his chest with a sigh and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you." I said quietly, nuzzling into his shoulder.

He shook his head.

"No, thank you."

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