Kid!Ronald x Kid!Reader

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"Ronald! Wait!" You yelled at your best friend who was running very fast.

"You have to catch up (Y/N)!" Ronald said as he looked back over his shoulder and winked.

"But you're too fast!"

"Fine, let's take a break." He said as he slowed down and walked back to you, who was huffing with your hands on your knees.

"Hey... (Y/N)..." He said quietly.


"I saw Mum and Dad do something and I want to show you..." He said to you.

"What is it Ronald?" You asked. Usually the things that adults did were cool. All adults were cool in your mind and you wanted to grow up as fast as possible so you could be as cool as them.

Ronald gave you a peck on the lips. You blushed a dark red and your heart was beating fast.

"R-Ronald!" You stuttered as you threw anything you could get your hands on.

He dodged everything with a smirk. "That's what you get when you're so cute!"

You stopped and stared at him. "...really?"


You walked up to him and got on your tippy toes. You leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His face turned red too. You were both in the silence with blushing faces.

"No fair! Only I can do that!" Ronald yelled in embarrassment as he tackled you to the ground. You both rolled around on the grass play attacking each other for the longest time. You couldn't stop laughing and Ronald couldn't stop admiring you. He knew he was still young, but he considered himself very lucky to be able to kiss and hug you.

Only he could do that to you.

After hours of playing, you both lay on the grass and looked at the sky. It had started to get dark, but no one had called for you two to come inside so you pushed your luck by remaining on the grass with Ronald.

"Hey (Y/N), what do you want to be when you're older?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet. What about you?"

He hesitated for a moment.

"I won't get older." He said reluctantly.

"What?! Do you have superpowers?!" You asked, shocked.

He laughed, but it sounded a bit fake.

"Just kidding silly! Of course I'll get older!" He laughed.

You shrugged it off as nothing and continued to talk together until your parents came to get you two.

But the time came when you two had to part. Ronald hugged you tight and you returned it.

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Yeah, goodnight Ronald. See you at school!" 

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