Bardroy x Reader

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"Baldroy... You should sleep while you can. I'll take over look out." I said to my close friend and crush. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he flinched slightly from fear.

"No, a ladies gotta get their rest." He smiled towards me. The night was illuminated by various explosions around us. It's amazing how most of us can sleep like this.

The day the men were called to serve for their country, Baldroy was taken to the army because of conscription. No matter how brave or strong he was, I knew he couldn't do it alone. I dressed like a man and, using some connections, made my way to the front lines with my most treasured friend. Only Baldroy knew I wasn't who I claimed to be.

"I insist. I'll keep you safe." I said to him. I could see his eyes getting heavy from lack of rest. "Besides, you can't keep a lookout when you're half asleep." I gave him a grin.

He nodded. "Yeah, that might be true." He agreed. He always came across so friendly because of his thick American accent. "(Y/N), y'know, you always do stupid stuff for me." He looked me in the eyes.

"Of course. That's what friends are for." I took his hand and lead him to an open space beside other soldiers. "Get some rest. We have to be ready for a new fight tomorrow." I smiled. I helped him lie down on the floor.

Four years and hardly any progress. Baldroy can barely sleep. I took my position, using mirrors to look out the trenches so I wont be shot. I placed a helmet on a stick to act as bait. If anyone hits it we can tell where they are. The more I look for the enemy the more my heart races.

I hate war.

At times I find myself asking why I ever joined, but my mind falls back to Baldo. If he ever got hurt, I would never forgive myself.

A few explosives went off to the west. I watched the bright flames and black smoke coil together, knowing well that more lives were just lost. The scent of flesh reeks.

"'Ey, (Y/N), whats the time?" Baldroy asks sleepily. I check my watch.

"It's 1:25. Are you struggling to sleep?" I reply.

He nods. "Yeah. Not many blokes can sleep with frikin' bombs going off every second." He jokes. He stood up and joined me.

"Hey Baldo." I begin. "Why does war exist?"

"Hell if I know." He said as he took out a cigarette. He lit it and inhaled.

It smelled strong and deadly, but it also had a calming effect.

"If there was no war, what would you be doing right now?" I asked.

"Probably be raising a family with you." He said wistfully.  I blushed, but the night kept my face hidden.

"When we get back home... We should start a family." I told him.

The cigarette fell out of his mouth. "But then we'd 'ave to get married first." He said, eyes wide.

"We can do that." I said.

"But I've never even kissed you before!" He said embarrassed.

"We can do that too."

There was a short pause from both of us. Our friendship had literally turned to planned engagement within twenty seconds. Although he was the one that brought up starting a family, he seemed shocked that I agreed. Various bombs went off, illuminating Baldroy's face. His blue eyes and messy blond hair looked better than ever.

"You're one special girl, (Y/N)..." He chuckled.

I placed my hand on his cheek, feeling his dirty blond stubble. I put my face close to his, our foreheads were touching, both of us had red cheeks. He was the first one to go further, placing his lips on mine. I could taste smoke but it was far from unpleasant. His hands settled just above my waist at the bottom of my rib cage. One of my hands was on his cheek, the other was on the back of his neck, touching his surprisingly soft blond hair.

The rest of the night was spent joking around together, talking about our future and other stupid yet sentimental things. The sun rose and lots of colours appeared. Guns rattled loudly. Explosives echoed.

Even in the middle of a war, there are some beautiful things.

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