Chapter 2

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(Zayne's POV)

We DID kiss under that oak tree 10 years ago. But she didn't remember. I never did, for one second during those 10 years. I don't think I ever will.

As Sara was running away from me I got smacked in the face by a poster paper from the wind. 'Come to the Crazy Horse' it said in big purple cursive lettering, it had sillehotes of naked women in the background with a gorgeous girl with long black hair, purple crazy clothing with a purple bow make up and eyelashes, with her arm around a guy in a horse costume and she was winking while doing the peace sign. At first I just thought it was another pretty face, but then I saw it say, 'Featuring DJ Zara'

Zara was then name I put on the oak tree since I didn't know the difference between my 'Z' and 'S's it's a little embarrasing looking back. But when i actually looked closer, 'Zara' had the same face as Sara. This ways sooo not a coincidence.

I ran to thre direction. And I spotted Sara at the bar, talking to some old guy. 'Boooo peeeeppp' I sand aloud, I saw the look of shock in her eyes. I told her that i knew her little secret. she just looked so danm cute, and she didn't even remember our first kiss!! I remeber perfectly! Danm her!

She asked me what I wanted, danm. I could not resist myself anymore, I put my tongue in her mouth. now I know what you are all thinking; 'You're such a jerk! How could you just force your tongue into her mouth?'

WEll I haven't seen the love of my life in ten years. The best moment of my life was apparently forgoten by her, and she just looked so danm cute and sexy, I could not help myself. Hey cut a guy some slack!

After my little tongue raid, I found a hand to my face, 'FUCK!' I screamed that seriosuly hurt like a bitch. She put a good twenty feet between us. She really did hate me, but I'm not going to show any sort of sadness, despite the utter agony I'm feeling right now.

And then I had the most brilliant idea. she would definatly fall for me.

'If you do me this one insy betsy thing' I started off. 'I won't tell a soul your secret.' ' You promise?' she asked. 'Boy scouts honor.' I said. ' What is it?' She asked cautiously

'I'm going to become your co-DJ, Zara'

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