Chapter Three

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During lunch, I was sitting with my two friends - Tamara and Shayline. They were my besties, I had known them since third grade. We always stuck together and did homework together and all that stuff. We hardly ever had sleepovers or that kind of thing, since Tamara's family wasn't the most cooperative or supportive when it came to their daughter. I was surprised they could even afford tuition here at this private school.

"Are you done with your history project yet?" Shayline asked us. 

"Not quite," I said. "But Sean is coming over tonight to help me finish it. It's due next Wednesday, right?"

"Yep," Tamara said. She examined her nails before returning to her soup. "You're so lucky your parents can afford a tutor." I hated it when they talked about my rich family. It made me uncomfortable. "I wish I had a tutor, especially one as cute as Sean." she and Shayline giggled.

"Honestly," I said. "Sean's all right, but sometimes he's too nosy." Not true, but I didn't want to act all spoiled. "Like, for instance, yesterday he insisted on triple checking my math."

"Yeah, right!" Tamara cried. "But that's so cute! He's like your guardian angel or something!"

I had never thought of it like that. It was pretty cool, actually. I liked the sound of it.

"My parents are thinking of sending me to the tutoring programs after school," Shayline said. "I heard it's good."

"NOOO, it's not!" I almost screamed. "My parents sent me there last year, and I literally cried because it was so complex!"

"But I thought there were high school volunteers who helped out," Shayline said.

"No," I shook my head and crossed my arms. "Take it from a girl who knows: stay away."

They laughed and continued talking amongst each other. I joined in on their conversation, happy they weren't talking about how lucky I was and how my life was great. It made me uncomfortable. 

Lunch was almost over when I realized David Pearson had walked over to our table. He's like your average handsome, jocky kid who's good at sports. A lot of girls here amble over here but I know better. Let's just say in elementary school, I got some lessons taught.

"Hey, girls." he said casually, looking down at us.

"Hi." Tamara squeaked out.

"What brings you to this section of town?" Shayline asked, sipping her soda casually. 

Instead, David turned to me and said, "I was just wondering if Avaley would like to come with me to the movies this Friday."

WHOAH. I had never been asked out before. I mean, not this formal. And not in front of my friends. By one of the most popular boys here. 

"What? Me?" I squeaked, feeling my face warm up.

David's eyes seemed to bore into my heart and send butterflies flying everywhere. "Yes, you," he laughed, his eyes twinkling. "I mean, if it's no problem, of course. I just wanted to pay you back for helping me with math last week." Oh, yeah, I had helped him, hadn't I?

I didn't know what to say. He was staring at me and Tamara and Shayline were staring at me. Finally, Shayline poked me and I said, "Sure!"

He smiled and said, "Awesome. I'll just text you, all right?" I forced myself to nod as he walked out of the cafeteria and out to the field to play some soccer like he always did.

"Are you okay?" Tamara asked me. 

"You just got asked out by David Pearson," Shayline said. "How can she be okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, holding up a hand. I looked down at my lunch and it didn't look so good anymore. "I'm just... Not hungry. Let's go."

I wished I could have said no, looking back at it. Because I wasn't even going to be alive by that Friday. 

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