Chapter Thirty

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"All right, class, let's pull out our assignment from yesterday, shall we?" Mr. Hauge clapped his hands together, his eyes landing on me and it looked like he sneered, but I paid no mind to that.

In fact, I couldn't pay mind to anything.

What just happened with David?

Obviously, our plan was to look like love-birds in front of Mr. Hauge so he'd see that I was too caught up in my own world with David, and not thinking about him at all (him being Mr. Hauge). Hopefully, Mr. Hauge would think I had no interest in him and move onto another prey, whom I let my heart reach out for.

Sucky plan, sorry David, but if that's what lead David's lips to peck against mine...

Okay, it was just a peck, but come on. Have you ever been kissed? If you haven't, then stop groveling. If you have, then I hope you have my back here. I mean, it wasn't amazing but it sure was... Surprising.

Suddenly, Mr. Hauge's hand slammed down on my desk, startling me from my stupor. "Those who didn't choose to do their assignment will answer to me," he said loudly, looking at the class and then down at me. Oh great, he even decided to place his bum on my desk. I leaned back, trying to get away from him but he looked down at me and smiled. "I understand that some of us may be... Infatuated with others in this school..." Was he talking about me and David? "But we must realize that there are others who come first in our lives." Finally, he left and went over to the board. 

Sheesh. I guess David and I's act really stood out to him, because now he was literally calling me out on it.

"Speaking of," Mr. Hauge said, waving a marker around. "Are any of you in relationships? Enlighten me, please. I'm just curious." And all this time he was looking at me.

A few people raised their hands. I proudly did, shooting it high in the air and waving it around so Mr. Hauge would see. He did, all right. He glared at that hand.

"Well, love birds, keep in mind now, since I know who you all are, you won't be put away lightly the next time you fail one of my assignments," he warned, his eyes never leaving my chest. "Besides, girls, how could you all be in love with some other guy with a teacher like me around, eh?" a few kids laughed, I wanted to punch him. 

He proceeded with other matters, and my heart proceeded to thinking of David.

The rest of the class proceeded with not much ado. When the bell rang, I scrambled to the door, despite Mr. Hauge's occasional glances at me, in which I wanted to ram his face into the wall. I arrived in the hall, breathing an air of excellence. I had survived. Thanks to David. I mean, I had now noticed Mr. Hauge was... staring at me and such, but thinking of David made me feel happier than ever.

Speaking of David...

He turned around the corner, sun streaming through the windows that made his well groomed hair stand out, but then those eyes and that face drew me in and his smile made just for me topped everything off... And he was walking towards me. I couldn't help but grin and walk over to him, and before I knew it we were in an embrace - my arms wrapped around him and my face buried on his shoulder. 

"How was it?" he whispered in my ear, in a husky voice.

"Okay," I admitted. "I don't really want to talk about it right now."

"That's fine," he said and pulled back, taking both my hands in his. I saw his gaze flicker behind me and I didn't need to think twice that Mr. Hauge was back there, watching us. "Let's go." he said and let go of my hands and quickly spun around the corner. I started after him, but someone behind me said:

"I knew it."

I turned around and there was Shayline, glaring at me, Tamara behind her, a sad look on her face.

"What?" I demanded, but Shayline turned around, placing a hand on Tamara's shoulder as they headed down the opposite direction of the hall. "You guys don't understand!" I called to them. "You never will, and if you want to ignore me, fine! Go ahead and be cowards about it!" I stopped shouting because Mr. Hauge, standing by his door, was staring right at me.

I turned around and headed after David before he could say anything else.

We walked out of school, and headed to a little bookshop nearby. David seemed strangely quiet, and didn't even make an effort to call out on what he did earlier. Meaning the peck on the lips.

"Are you okay?" I found myself asking as he held the door open for me and we walked in.

He nodded, a smile straining his delicate features. "Perfect," he said. "I just wanna stop by here for a sec."

I looked around at books as David talked to the old lady behind the counter. I didn't even pay attention to the words in front of me as memories of me and David flew into my mind. It had been an excruciatingly long day, just like yesterday, and I wondered when it was going to end. 

"Avaley?" David asked in a small voice from behind me.

I turned around and looked at him. He had a small bag in his hand, which he was shoving into his bag. "Yeah?"

"We can go now." he gave me a small smile and headed for the door.

Weird. So weird.

As we walked down the street, David asked me, "Do you want me to stay with you, or is Sean coming over?" Truth is, I didn't know if Sean even wanted to see me anymore after what he saw me do this morning. But I was in too much of a hurry at the time to even think of covering up. Then again, it was Sean. How could he just ignore me after seeing me fly a bit? I mean, that wouldn't hurt our friendship, would it?

But that girl would.

Ugh. I just didn't want to think of any of the awful memories that had clouded my mind today. I got back to replying to David. "I guess I'll be all right. You've had enough of me today."

He chuckled. "If that's how you feel." We stopped at the bus stop and paid for our tickets. As the bus started to move, I asked him, "So where are you headed?"

He shrugged, staring out the window and then looking at me. "Back home, I guess. I'm still really tense about, you know who."

I laughed. "David, that man is the least of our problems." But even as I said it, I felt like crying after thinking of what Mr. Hauge tried to do to me. He was a monster. And I would kill him.

David sighed, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees, looking up at me. "I guess so, Avaley, but we can't risk it. If he tries anything else, you give him no mercy, all right? Show him what you can do." he smiled, and my face begun to burn.

And then I thought about our little peck on the lips moment before class. I looked at David, who stared off into the distance, and wondered if I should ask him about it. I mean, it didn't even seem like he cared. Like kissing girls was something he did everyday. And maybe he did.

I shrugged it off, getting off at my stop. David walked me to my street and watched me head up the front steps.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I fumbled to open the door.

"Yep," he said and turned around. He stopped and looked at me. "Avaley?"

"Yeah?" I said.

A grin split up his face, and instantly I was swooning. "I didn't forget about that little moment before class."

And with that, he flew up into the air, leaving me and my heart. 

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