Chapter Fourty Eight

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"He's dead."


"He's dead."


"He's dead, Avaley."


"Avaley, he's dead. There was nothing you could do."


She grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth and looked me straight in the eyes. "Avaley, I'm sorry, but David is dead. He is never coming back. There is nothing you can do about it."

I felt myself going numb once again in her hold. "But... He..." I whispered, choking on the awful silence echoing in my body. "I... What... I..."

The beautiful woman faced me towards her again and shot a deafening look into my eyes. "Avaley, David is gone. We have to go now in case Sean comes." Sean? Who was Sean? I had to help David, David, David... 

My knees buckled out from beneath me and I fell to the floor in pure numbness and confusion. The woman just watched as I wriggled and seethed on the ground. "He can't be dead," I rasped out, slapping my hand against the floor. "He... He... He... I..." I looked up at her, helplessly, as she stared down at me, sadly.

"Avaley, I'm sorry," she said softly. "I'm sorry you were too late."

"Too late?" I laughed. "Ha! I was the one who killed him, lady! I was the one who stabbed him with that blade, you know! It's my own fault he's dead now, and it's ALL MY FAULT!"

She shook her head. "That may be the case. But there's no time for that. David is gone, and you have to get to safety - "

"Who are you, anyway?" I found myself bellowing as I stood up, straightening myself with a desk, holding out a hand so she wouldn't come any closer. "Why are you always following me?"

"Avaley, I'm not following you," she told me. "I'm inside you. Surely you must have figured that out by now."

"Are you telling me you're that... That... angel inside of me?" I said. "The one who wanted to see her love at the mall or something?"

She just shook her head. "I'll explain that to you at a later time. For now, we must escape before Sean comes."

"Why?" I roared, tugging at my hair as I fell to the ground again. "Let him come! Let him kill me! There's nothing left for me here, anyway!"

"What about your parents? Ryker? Your friends? Kevin?" the beautiful lady asked me, helping me stand up.

I shook my head back and forth back and forth. "No, no," I murmured, pulling on my hair again. "Parents, they're divorcing. Ryker, he's dead in a ditch. I don't have any friends, Kevin... Kevin..." I trailed off as Kevin's face, his tattoo, the sound of his voic echoed into my blank mind. Kevin?

I heard a loud thump in the distance.

Followed by a loud KER-CRAASSSHHHHH!

The beautiful woman looked at me. "Avaley, get out of here, now."

"NO!" I shrieked. "YOU get out of here, you crazy..."

She was gone.

I fell to the floor again shaking my head and muttering. Kevin? Ryker? Tamara? Shayline? Mommy? Daddy? Kevin? Ryker? What about David? What was wrong with him? Was he really dead? Was he truly dead and I was too dumb to see the truth?




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