Part 2

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"Are you seriously going?"
Pacing inside the bedroom Butu flared up. The suitcase was open on the bed and Pulu, with utmost care, was packing cloths in it.
She looked up at him with a mock glare. "We" she mouthed humorously, trying to cheer up her stubborn husband. "Butu, we are going." She added continuing packing, unknown of the fact that the human who was standing at the doorstep could kill her, for her this agenda.
"No." Butu's cold hiss after a minute stopped Pulu's hand with the dresses she was packing, sweeping all the humor off her. "You are adult, I can not control your movement. But I am my master Poulee, and hear one thing clearly I can not watch my friend to die once more." He stormed off the room
After Pulu resisted the shock of the fact that Butu has actually called her Poulee, which she didn't remember hearing from her beloved husband since a long time- Pulu rushed towards the way Butu had stormed off.

And found him at the balcony lighting up a smoke.
She pursed he lips, ugh! Again that horrible habit!
She snatched out the smock off his lip's cage and threw it out in the air. She could feel the glare on her face and saw him lighting up another smock. Nonchalantly, she repeated the previous action and again saw him lightening up another smock.
She was about to snatch the cigarette off when Butu growled, "what the fuck are you doing?"
"Who told you if you smoke I'm not going to persist about your coming with me." Pulu growled back.
"Pulu I am not coming with you to Kolkata. I am telling you!"
"Butu, Shuvroda needs you..."
"I am not coming that's final! I can not watch..."
"She needs to move on Butuda!" Poulee shouted.
Butu's jaw clenched up as tears gathered around his eyes, "Do you know how it feels to lose a friend to death. With she being moved on, the last existence of Sumedh will wipe out Poulee. She will marry him, and soon will be one happy family forgetting there was any Sumedh at all." Tear drop rolled out of his eyes as he remembered his late best friend's face. "I can not watch him dying once more. Please! That moron..." Dr. Anindya Chatterjee stopped his sentence as his voice started cracking. Pulu's arms sooner snaked around him.


"Butu?" Tuli's mother asked as opening the gate she saw Poulee standing.
Pulu shook her head in negation entering the house.
"Some work load must have come up..." Butu's mother tried to cover up the situation walking inside with her daughter in law.
Though Tuli's mother was not convinced at all but she nodded along and ushered Pulu to go inside Tulika's room.


Doomed in the dark room Tulika remained sitting feeling exhausted, drained. She had been crying the day before yesterday, but now instead of tears there was fire flaring inside her head. Everything seemed to go out of her hand. She tried to sneak out of the house but her cousin brother had forcefully dragged her inside her room.
She could not escape and all the relatives who came for her engagement got to enjoy a free show. Her father shouted her for the first time.
Her mother had hissed once again trying to make her understand that the boy she was trying to suffer widowhood for, was never married to her, and was never going to come back.
She should be ashamed of herself!!!
"Are you having fun too?" She shouted between her sobs looking at the stars. She was a student of science yet she was screaming at the sky.

The light of the tube light flickering up suddenly, hit her swollen red eyes, making her eyes shut. Assuming her mother's another attempt, she turned her face away in utter disgust.
"why are you sitting in dark?"
The very familiar voice make her jump on her seat. She looked up to find Pulu standing at the doorstep, unsure. A weak smile of hesitation was playing on her lips. Seeing her Tulika's tears gave up once again as she rushed in to Pulu's arms.
Tears didn't hold back in Pulu's eyes either. Standing in the same room, so many nostalgia was rushing back at her. How was she supposed to convince Tuli for a marriage, when the existence of Sumedh was still so vivid!
Butu's word ranged in her ears once again. Yes, she was planning the second death of her Sumoda indeed...

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