Case 3: Reveal

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Mai Pov

It has been a week since Naru had asked me to be his girlfriend. And we have yet to tell everyone about it. Although I would see Lin smirk at us when Naru would join me in making the tea. Or when I would be in Naru's office for a long time. I have a suspicion that he knows. Those are the times when Naru would show me more affection, and I know he just doesn't want everyone to know this side of him. It actually makes me happy that I am the only one that sees him like this. Gene has become more attached to Naru since we became a couple. It's as if he was playing match maker and was enjoying every moment of being right.

"Naru I'm going to go pick up Madoka from the airport." Lin said as he walked out the door. I sighed. We haven't had any clients for a while. It was either a joke that could be seen a mile away or they were just for publicity. Some of them only came to see who were and try to hit on us. Let's just say it got annoying after awhile.

Gene was giggling in his playpen with his toys. His absolute favorite is the ghost one Lin had bought him. I would read the books Ayako got him to calm him down to go to sleep or just to entertain him. Even Naru would read to him... in his office of course where no one sees him. Occasionally I would just stand in the doorway watching Naru read to him, making sound effects and using his hands to show more excitement of what is happening. Gene loves it! His cute expressions and how he reacts to each thing. I even took some pictures on my phone and sent them to Lin.

I got up and made some tea; I just had the feeling he wants it. And right when I finished I heard the all to familiar words.

"Mai! Tea!"

I walk in with his tea and set it down. In front of him. He had the look of surprise quite evident on him.

"Had the feeling you needed it. Guess I'm right. Like always." I joke.

Naru smirks playfully getting the joke.

"Are you sure about that?"

Then I had the great idea to tease him.
I kissed his cheek real fast and ran out.

"Catch me if you can!"

Third Pov

Naru chuckles to himself getting up and running after Mai. They run around in circles around the office. Gene was laughing with excitement at them. Soon Mai began to get tired from running and laughing to much. Naru noticed and smirked cause he was going to win. Immediately Naru grabs her by the waist having him face her.

"I caught you, so what's my prize?" Naru asked teasingly.

Mai blushed red, she tried to think a way out of this but fails.

"Since you can't pick, I guess I can pick my prize." Naru gently puts his hand on the side of Mai's head and slowly captured her lips with his. Naru put his left hand around her waist and brought her closer to him, not leaving  a single gap. There bodies were like puzzle pieces, perfectly made for each other.
Mai wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him even closer than before, deepening the kiss.


Once Naru and Mai heard the click of a camera they instantly separated from each other. Mai's face flushed dangerously red while Naru was covering his mouth and hiding only a bit of his blush. Looking over to see who had taken the photo to see the door wide open. There stood not only the team; but also Lin and Madoka.

John and Masako flushed red at the very intimate scene that happened before their eyes. And Gon omg a not so noticeable glance at each other.
Lin smirked with Madoka clinging on to his arm fangirling while holding a camera. 
Takigawa began to be very out going in a different way.


"OH MAI! Why are you cheating on me with this Narcissistic jerk?!?" Yasu yelled out dramatically falling onto his knees.

"It's about time. When were you guys going to finally get together?" Ayako asked.
When that was asked Mai answered with something they didn't expect.

"Umm... A... A week ago..." 

Everyone stopped their overreacting. To just stare at the pair.

"WHAT?!?" Takigawa and Ayako yelled in unison. Yasu smirked while pushing up his glasses. Madoka started to fangirl even more at this revelation. John's jaw went slack while Masako stumbled into John who got her just in time. Very suspicious Lin smirked even more.

"I steady knew." Lin had said.

Mai and Naru looked at him questionably. Clearing having the look of how did you know?
Mai then came to the result of only one way.

"You spied on us?!"
Naru's eyes widen considerably. Gene laughed at it all clearly amused.

"No! I didn't spy on you. I just happened to be getting something from the kitchen and the only way to get there is by going past your guys room." Lin answered.

Let's just say there was many things Takigawa had to say to Naru; which includes dragging him to his office with the rest of the guys to give him the talk and a few tips.That left the girls to give Mai the talk and a few tips. When it was over they both were red and embarrassed.

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