Special chap! How I met his parents!

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Naru Pov

I was typing down my notes on my computer. As I was doing so, my mother started to FaceTime me...
Answering the call, I saw both of my parents. Immediately before I could say a word, mother started to have a rant.

"Oliver! Why didn't you tell us you had a son?! When were you going to tell us? Who is she? Did you even ask for her hand in marriage first? Why did you knock her up? When's the wedding!? You should of told us!! How's the business? Who is she? Is she nice?-"

"Son you should of told us that you got this girl pregnant. And told us when it happened."

"Mom, dad. I didn't get anyone pregnant."

"Madoka showed us pictures!!" Luella put up her phone to the screen, showing multiple photos of him and Mai along with baby Gene.

"And your misinformed. Her school does a baby program in which the seniors take care of orphans for a school year, but two students moved so she was chosen to do it. Her name is Mai. She is my girlfriend. Her apartment got burned down in a fire so we are living together. Mai is also my assistant, you can meet her now." Naru informed with the same monotone voice he always does.

"Go go go! I want to meet her! And the baby!" His mother cried out, mentally pushing him to do so. Both Naru and his father sighed at Luella's antics.

Naru got up from his chair, pushing it back. He goes out of his 'cave' and goes to where Mai was trying to find a case for them through the papers.

"Hey Naru!"

Mai Pov

"My parents want to meet you..."

"REALLY?! But, but I don't speak English fluently yet! And what should I say?!"
I started to panic. Oh geez oh geez! I knew I would have to meet them but I thought it would be a while until then.
Naru then brought me into a gentle embrace.

"Don't worry, you will be fine, and they know Japanese. Just be yourself."

Guess it's now or never! I grab Gene and make our way toward the 'cave' and meet Naru's parents.

Finally I'm in front of the computer facing them. His mother has long blonde hair, and brown chocolate eyes. She had a nice sweet smile and light skin. She didn't look over thirty. His father looked a bit worn with age, his brown hair had a bit of grey in it. His eyes were a soft grey with tanned skin tone. He looked about in his late thirties.

"Hello I'm Luella and this is my husband Martin Davis. Please tell us about yourself!" His mother spoke fluently.

"Hai! My name is Mai Taniyama! I'm only a year younger than Naru. I'm still an amateur at being a ghost hunter but with my abilities I'm able to help out."

"Taniyama..." Martin mumbled, he seems to know the name.

'Does my dad know her parents? Why and how? I need to find out. Guess there's more to Mai's past than she herself knows.'

"Abilities? Oh! Your a psychic! What are you able to do?"

"I can explain them in more detail mother." Naru starts out, thank goodness, I'm so nervous.

"Mai is able to go to the astral plane. She can see and experience the spirits past lives, future events and she is able to gather information on an individual. She was to do this with her spirit guide to show her how it's done. Mai is also able to use her instincts so precise that she gets every thing correct making her a latent psychic too. Mai is able to move objects through a spirit form and speak and act just like a real spirit. She recently started to develop PK on a tremendous scale. It seems like there was a blockage on her powers each unlocking until she completes a requirement or so. She told me she only had her instincts before she met me, but after the first meeting she was able to connect to her spirit guide."

"Wow! That is astonishing! That's more abilities than one person could do! May I ask, do you know the identity of your spirit guide? If they are your guide then it most be someone who was a former psychic too." Martin asked.

"Dad, mom. Her spirit guide. Her spirit guide is Eugene."

There was a long and awkward pause. I put my head down. Naru put a hand on my back, soothing my emotions. Gene just looked curious to the screen.

"I-I see. That would expect pain why she got a spirit guide after she met you..."

"Yes. I have my suspicion that Eugene knows something about Mai and immediately went to her to help with her powers as they unlock." Naru admits. It's only a logical exclamation of why.

"Anyway! Tell us about my grand son!" Luella asks, her eyes lighting up once again, smiling. Martin to seem to relax from the tense atmosphere.

"His name is Gene! He is very calm for a baby. He likes to hear stories and play with his ghost stuff animal. He also has PK of his own just like Naru, but not to the extent where he will get hurt from it thankfully." I started to rant about baby Gene.

Gene giggled at the attention he was getting from all of us.

"Oooh! What was his first words?!"

"Mama and Dada!"

"Aww how cute!"

That's how I met his parents. And now I text them photos of Naru with Gene.

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