Case 4: Puppets

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Now that everyone knows about me and Naru, things have taken a weird turn. At least ten things out of the ordinary has happened.

1. Naru started to show more of his true self in front of the others too, not just me and Gene.

2. After we had announced that we were together, John had the courage to reveal he had quit being a Priest so in order to date Masako officially. Which I was heavily surprised that there something was going on between them before that.

3. We all went out to dinner one day, Lin surprises all of us by going on one knee and asks Madoka to marry him. Thankfully my gut feeling told me to get my camera out.

4. We didn't have a case for three weeks so far, and this only happens when a big case comes. A calm before the storm.

5. Me and Naru discovered that Gene has similar powers to me and him. His spiritual energy is very strong.

6. Not only Gene, but my powers started manifest more. My latent psychic abilities became stronger and more varieties, which of course Naru is helping me adjust to it.

7. I haven't seen Eugene in a while, and it has me worried. Did he move on? Was he eaten by a fox fire? He is my spirit guide and I don't really know how that works out.

8. Usually I would have a gut feeling of what is happening around me right then and there. Now I have the gut feeling before it happens. Guess that's the same as my abilities manifesting.

9. Yasu stopped making perverted jokes.

And lastly 10. I had the pleasure of meeting Naru's parents. Let's just say I do not understand now he could stay stoic almost 24/7 with this type of family.

As usual to our new morning routine I will wake up in Naru's arm or he would wake up first; and take care of Gene. Then the other would wake up to take care of Gene while they take a shower. Then switch for turns. It doesn't matter if I wake up first or second, I am always the one cooking our food. Naru can't cook at all and I don't need to bother with Lin cause he told me he can't cook too. Afterwards we would clean up get our things and head off to work. The principle decided since I'm taking care of the baby and knows I am going to adopt him, he sends me all of my homework and I only show up on Friday's to take the tests. I actually like this schedule. All in all it's great.

As soon as we walked through the door I put Gene in his playpen and went to make tea. While standing there a certain someone came up behind me wrapping there arms around my waist and kisses the side of my neck.

"Naru! Don't scare me like that! I could have had a heart attack!"

"Oh? Is it because your love for me is to much to handle?"

"You really are a narcissist Naru."

"And that's why you love me."

He leans down and firmly placed his lips on mine, molding perfectly together. As we kissed the tea finally finished and I pour our cups. Once I got back to Gene I decided to play with him along with Naru. As I held Gene on the couch with me I suddenly had a feeling.

"Naru take Gene." I held out Gene to him. Immediately he does; father like instincts reacting.

"What? Why? Mai!" I collapse on the couch going into a dream like state. I know this feeling all to well, I'm being pulled into the astral plane.


I woke up as usual sitting down on my knees with what I can now know is other spirits moving on. I get up to see that I am wearing the dress as always. I start to walk, not really knowing where I'm going without Gene. Then suddenly I am pulled with in the dream.

There's a little boy and his father making puppets. There laughing and bonding together. Who I guess is the mother comes and started to paint next to them, enjoying each other's presence. I would say the time is around when puppets began to become popular.

Then it flashes. I follow the little boy to go to what I suppose was the art room. Only to see his father covered in blood. On the table was his mother, who was turned into a puppet. I gagged at what I saw. He painted her face much like a theater puppet. He brutally stitched not wires, but thin ropes into her skin and had them connected to the wooden cross to control there movements.

"My son. Art is eternal, made to last forever. Your mother was wrong to say art can only last a moment. Now I will have you join your mother... BECOME ETERNAL ART!!!"

He goes after the little boy. And suddenly I was brought back to reality.


I woke up crying my heart out. How could he be so cruel to do that? Did something else happen other than the fact that the husband and wife thought of art differently?

"Mai! Are you ok?!"

"I-I ha-had ano-another dream Naru...."

"You predicted it? This hasn't happened before."

"I know. I know."

"What happened?" Naru puts Gene back in his playpen after making him calm down and reassure him that I was fine. He pulls out the usual black little book, ready to wright down any information needed.

"It started out simple. Mother, Father and the son hanging out. The mother was painting while the other two made puppets. That's when it started to change... The father turned the mother into a puppet. Saying her way of art was wrong, art doesn't last just a moment. Art is eternal. Then I woke up. But you can guess he did the same to the son. It was horrible! The kid was only around seven years old!"

"Mai were going to be going in this case soon, as you only get these dreams when there's a case. I want you to stay back with Gene... I would not be able to live with myself if the two of you get hurt. Especially when Gene is only a baby."

"I understand... I'll do information gathering with Madoka instead and won't enter the house when we go to give it to you."

"Thank you Mai." Naru got up and kissed the top of my head.

Our new case, PUPPETS

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