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"Put him in the back with the rest of the lot! Go on do it!"

It was hot.

So very hot. Still, Officer Periwinkle ravaged against the humidity. Her voice bellowing above any of my watchers.

I placed my head to the side, a minute smile escaping me. A little grin splitting on my face.

It didn't really matter about the conditions, these Mediums would work. They would work and die, work and work until I was satisfied.

Each time one of them collapsed, it was a small though not trivial victory for my species.

Every single time one of them fell down, my heart would soar.

It was deeply amusing.

"Your royal highness,"

I turned to the Medium, head up straight. I glared down at him.

He was no good for wear, balding though only at the youthful age of twenty. His remaining hair seemed to have once ago, a long time ago been blonde. Now it was as dirty as the ground that his revolting body worked on, as bloody as it too.

Scratched skin, holed hands and a naked body. Only one self redeeming cloth draped against his privates.

"Yes?" I smiled, chugging a sip from my water can, his mouth visibly watered at the sight.

"It seems...it seems that there has been a sighting. Your insiders say that he might, he might be alive, your highness." He stammered; stick thin arms weakly planted unto his showing ribs.

Skin did him no good, why waste it?

"Where is he?" I teasingly discarded the water to the hungry earth, watching it sizzle in the burning sun.

The man couldn't even cry, he'd long abandoned the means.

"He's in Traditionalist territory your highness, apparently he managed to escape the cleansing-"

"How dare he! How dare Drake disobey me like that! How dare that disgusting Medium take me for a fool like my wretched sister?" I spat, instructing Montague to deliver me the gun.

The man was still stammering, though now just begging. Clearly comprehending what I was about to do to him, I waltzed up to him.

He was grovelling. Take that! A silly Medium grovelling...

It was quick; personally I thought it was generous.

It was enough to signal everyone's attention.

The bullet remained stubbornly implanted into the centre of his forehead.

Waste of a bullet, really.

I hadn't even known his name, pity.

I turned to the rest of my clan, broadly beaming.

"We fly tonight! We check the first Traditionalist site, the Hound kingdom. Gather all information that you possibly can...and don't let me down."

They all speedily scattered, their wings extending as they pushed themselves off the cliff.

The Medium's stayed behind, still humbly building up my beautiful empire. It would definitely soon be the biggest empire in the world, the empire that everyone would grow to talk about, my empire would be powerful.

A Walk On The Softer Side (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now