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  • इन्हें समर्पित: The_Peacock

Three months later

October's P.O.V

"Please please Quincy! Cyan good. Cyan-" The three year old hobbled about, jumping up and down as her pink hair bobbles flew by.

Frederick hissed, pinning the needles further into her ladybug dress as Quincy sighed.

He was handsome today, as usual. He might have been rugged looking, with blackish bags under his eyes and a grumpy expression but he was still my Wolfie. I didn't even mind the bags, as they had been the result of me last night. Speaking of last night, we really had to keep Quincy's claws in check. They tended to extend when we had just hit that spot.

"No Cyan," Quincy shook his head, patting the child on her hair softly, "You can't go; only adults can."

Cyan whimpered, her baby blue eyes widening as she puckered her lips. She stumped her feet harshly, earning a swat from Frederick to make her stand upright again. The Werecats tail straightened and coiled often, a sign of his irritability. He was clearly cut out for his work.

Which was his entire fault as he had volunteered himself for the task. He was lucky enough that I and Quincy were keeping him company (as requested of Quincy) but he had still put himself forward. The task? Designing a dress for the young Alpha princess as Frederick felt the urge to earn the acceptance of everyone.

Not that anyone had any problem with him. If they did, then they would have to go through Rowan firstly, but in actual fact not one single person had an objection to him or Zachary with their permanent residence. I on the other hand...everyone seemed to dislike me.

Sure, Owen was nice and I hung out with him and the other Beta's often. They were all average sized with bulky figures, big lads with even bigger hearts. Their acceptance meant there was hardly ever a dull moment, which was excessively different in comparison with the other Alphas. The other Alphas were constantly grooming themselves, studying in different languages or hanging out with their Mates or pups. They were adults, and I was just a teenager. Even the ones around my age were preparing for a Mate. Plus one thing I noticed about Alphas was that they scarcely enjoyed being around other Alphas, they opted for Omegas to surround them continuously.

I couldn't even go to the Omegas; the one brunette named Sophie had spread bloody terrible rumours about me. She had christened me demon and devil-child, many words of which chilled the other Omegas to the bone. Whenever I'd walk into a room it would soon become sparse with lack of persons. I didn't know what Owen saw in her, or why they'd decided to Mate but I quickly assumed that her pregnancy hormones were driving her crazy.


Were's loved children. That was a given, like they literally obsessed over their offspring. Cassia adored Cyan and constantly wrote back to her children back home, Fiona (and Maverick, although he would never admit it) stroked her belly at a constant rate. It was almost as if she was attempting to sooth the pups to sleep. Any day now she'd be ready to pop out the babies. Plural. The pack doctor had expected her to deliver sextuplets, which Quincy told me was uncommon in his family. They normally had single births. Everywhere else, in general children were the epitome of happiness. Any Mated couple had one to a dozen tittering after them; Omegas commonly supported their children in rucksacks or filled playgrounds.

The cutest things were the changes, when a Were baby would slowly change into their animal form, or the other way round. I was of yet to be blessed with seeing Quincy's form, but after watching Cassia's smooth brown wolf rustling about playfully with Cyan's crystal blue I was insanely anticipating it. I looked forward to everything with Quincy, the next day and the next, as well as the nights.

A Walk On The Softer Side (Mpreg)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें