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 -A long time ago-

Two weeks passed quicker than usual.

In two weeks, Abdul had become much closer to me. The were-monkey would regularly express his joy and emotion with me. He would kiss me on the cheek, pull me in for embraces more often and attempt to push our physical relationship into realms so deep, that I'd never encountered before.

Oddly enough, Ma didn't like it. She separated us at every opportunity; Abdul was even kicked out of my room rather suddenly. Ma assured that if possible, Abdul was plastered at the left whilst I was stapled to the right. We were never around one another to deepen our future mating bond.

I was insulted in some ways, but amused in more than one. Even slightly relieved if anything, I'd been concerned about crossing that sexual line with Abdul. Alphas as true to form were largely "gifted" in that department, if anything that the Betas had whispered about Abdul had an impressive size. One of which I was horror-stricken about receiving.

We'd all seen it. Sex crazed Alphas who had grown obsessed with their Omegas; some Omegas had been forced to act out certain (even at times public) sexual fantasies for their Alphas. Omegas were meant to be sexually relieving, other than child bearers there was little else that they were useful for.

I prayed that Abdul would be gentle; I'd discussed it with my fellow Omegas and a chosen few of Betas. My first time, if true to form would be chosen by him. As mating ritual he would decide what we would do, whether we would mate publicly as wolves- or if we would either retire to the chapel chambers to finish what must be done. The next day, a bled upon cloth would be taken as proof of my virgin status, signifying me as his.

Abdul and I were different Weres for one, so only the latter would really be possible. I'd been kept holy my entire life for this day, the day when I would be claimed. Whatever Alpha first would have hold over me, and I was glad that unlike other Omegas, I on the other hand had some - even if limited- right on who I would end up with.

I wouldn't end up like Joanna in the next cottage, mated to an Alpha twice her age and already barren with her second litter.

If Abdul wanted children, he could very well have them. I wanted to mother anyway, it was only the simple matter of asking me rather than inflicting pregnancy upon me like a disease.

"Rune?" Ma called, her voice gallantly travelling up the airy stair case. "Are you getting down any time soon? The family has arrived!"

I flushed, raking my hands through my hair once more. In the recent fortnight, I'd made a rash decision to permit my hair to grow wildly. Aside from a narrow trim here and there, it now cascaded down my backside much like a waterfall. My white beads had been newly imprinted upon my temple in a straight line, much like the line bees followed in the untainted summer air. My light blue coat flung along my shoulder, as the crystal white cotte hid my skin under the sleeves. My white chin kerchief tightly knotted across my chin. The white illuminated my electric eyes and small figure.

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