Chapter 4

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I woke up and put on neon grey basic tee shirt with black skinny jeans, white converse and an anchor necklace. Then I brush my hair and put it into a side braid. After that I go into Alexia's room and I wake her up. Then I put her in a red - orange short sleeve tee shirt with grey skinny jeans and white converse. Then I brush her hair and put it into a side braid. Then we walk downstairs and put her in her baby swing. Then I walk back upstairs and into Alex's room and I see Jason dressing him. " What are you doing right there?" he asks me.

I blush, "I was going to help dress Alex but I see you already did that." I say to him and then Alex walks downstairs.

Jason brings me to our bedroom, "!" he says in between kisses. The kissing turns out to be a make out section and then we stop and we go downstairs.

I give everyone their breakfast and then we eat it. After Breakfast Jason gives me a kiss and then goes to his architecture job at the Family architecture. After a couple minutes there's a knock on the door. I look through the peephole and I see it is my friends. "Hi, Aria?" they ask.

"What can I do for you?" I ask them. 

They walk in, "Yea. Where's Jason? Why are you here?" Emily asks me.

I close the door, "He went to work. I live here because I have kids here and I am getting married" I say happily.

Alexia runs as fast as a two year old can, Mommy Alex therw tows at me. He bit me and is pinching me too." she says crying.

I pick her up, "Alexia, where did you get hurt" I ask her and she points all over the place.

"Stay here with Aunt Ali and I will talk to Alex" I say as I give her to Ali and I walk to the playroom.

I get to the playroom and see Alex playing with cars, "Why are you being bad to your sister?" I ask him.

"I don't know, mommy" Alex says as he looks like he's going to cry.

"I'm going to have to talk to your dad about this" I tell him.

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